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How the Drought Exposed Texas’ Water Insecurity

The drought of 2011 may have been the canary in the coal mine of water security for Texas. That was the consensus of a panel of specialists at the 2012 Texas Water Summit hosted by the University of Texas at Austin’s Academy of Medicine, Engineering and Science on Monday. While the recent drought was no […]

Asking the Tough Questions About Water in Texas

This morning, Kate Galbraith of the Texas Tribune led a discussion on Twitter with Laura Huffman of the Nature Conservancy and Charles Fishman, author of The Big Thirst: The Secret Life and Turbulent Future of Water on what to do about water issues in Texas. As the state grows and it seems to rain less and less, […]

Drilling Still on the Rise in Texas

Oil and gas drilling in Texas is alive and well, according to a new numbers from the Railroad Commission of Texas. The commission says that 943 oil permits were completed this March, meaning that they’ve been built and are either scheduled to produce or already producing. That’s up from 518 oil completions during March 2011. […]

How the Military in Texas is Going Green

While some private solar companies are making headlines for their spectacular failures, and fracking has led to an extended stay for fossil fuels, is it too soon to write off renewables? Maybe not. For one thing, the military is investing in green projects. Big Time. As Kate Galbraith reports today for the Texas Tribune and […]

It’s the End for Chesapeake CEO’s Lucrative Perk

An unconventional and controversial perk for the head of a fracking giant will come to an end. Aubrey McClendon, the eccentric CEO of Chesapeake Energy, which fracks for natural gas in the Barnett Shale of Texas and other parts of the country, will no longer get a stake of every well the natural gas giant drills. He […]