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Now Read This: StateImpact Texas Top 5

A Texas town came within days of running out of water, a mysterious accident at a coal power plant fell under investigation, and an oil boom in South Texas has locals grinning (when they’re not getting whiplash from potholes). In case you missed it, here’s our top five new stories from the last week: During […]

How Oil and Gas Disposal Wells Can Cause Earthquakes

Does Fracking Cause Earthquakes? Hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” (a drilling process that injects millions of gallons of water, sand and chemicals under high pressure into a well, cracking the rock and to release natural gas and oil) has only been known to rarely cause earthquakes. But the disposal of drilling wastewater used in fracking has now […]

Now Read This: StateImpact Texas Top 5

Photo by Ethan Miller/Getty Images Burros marched, pipelines were delayed, and wells caught fire. In case you missed it, here are the five top posts from StateImpact Texas over the last week: Four Reasons Why Obama Decided Against the Keystone XL Pipeline: What was behind the president’s decision? A new document sheds some light. Where the […]

Railroad Commission Responds to Explosion in Pearsall

On Thursday night a fire and explosion rocked a disposal well near Pearsall, Texas in the Eagle Ford Shale. This afternoon the Railroad Commission of Texas, which oversees drilling in the state. sent the following statement to StateImpact Texas : “A Railroad Commission inspector responded around 5:30 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 19, to a storage tank fire at a saltwater […]

Explosion and Fire at Eagle Ford Disposal Well in Pearsall [Update]

You can read our follow-up reporting on this story here. April 25, 2012 UPDATE: This week OSHA issued ten citations for “serious violations” by High Roller Wells, which operates the disposal well. You can read more about those citations here.  Three people have been injured after an explosion and fire at a disposal well in […]

Texas Company’s Drilling in Pennsylvania Draws EPA Attention

A month after drawing a link between fracking and water contamination in Wyoming, the EPA has found arsenic, bar­ium and other “haz­ardous sub­stances” in the pri­vate water wells of four homes in Dimock, Susque­hanna County, our fellow StateImpacters in Pennsylvania report. While the chemicals were not “definitively linked to recent gas drilling,” they write, the EPA says they […]

Now Read This: The StateImpact Texas Top 5

It was a varied week of reporting for our StateImpact Texas readers over the last week, with articles on the drought, tax breaks, solar farms and tiger prawns. In case you missed any of them, here are the top five StateImpact Texas articles published since last week: The Rain in Texas is Mostly… Well, Everywhere: […]