
Energy and Environment Reporting for Texas

Drought Update: How Things Are Going Depends on Where You Are

Randy Haaga / Flickr/Creative Commons

Interstate 10 is flooded near an overpass in Houston after Hurrican Ike. The Houston area was the largest beneficiary of the recent storms in Texas, but of course that can bring harm with it as well.

It’s been an interesting role reversal for Texas weather these past couple of months. June, typically the state’s wettest month, was bone dry. But the high summer, a time of highly variable precipitation, has been downright soggy, especially this current week. Of course, we aren’t complaining.

What does all this wet weather mean for the state’s drought prospects? So far, it’s too early to say anything definitive. The weekly Drought Monitor Map was released Thursday, but the data it uses is cut off earlier in the week, on Tuesday morning. So, the rain the state received in the past two days – a significant amount – has yet to be added.

Still, if certain Texas cities’ recent advancements are any indication, a leap of improvement may be within reach. Continue Reading

More on the Science Linking Fracking Disposal Wells to Earthquakes

Photo by Cameron Spencer/Getty Images

Scientists have drawn definitive links between hydraulic fracturing disposal wells and induced earthquakes. The photo above shows a crack in a road after a natural earthquake in 2011 in Christchurch, New Zealand.

Earlier today we reported on a series of quakes rattling Johnson County, outside of Fort Worth, Texas. The quakes haven’t caused any significant damage, but for a part of the state that has historically been seismically quiet, they’ve come as a surprise. There happen to be dozens of disposal wells — deep injection wells used for disposing of wastewater from hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking” — in the same area as the quakes. So where’s the science linking earthquakes in the area to those wells?

“There is definitely a credible link between wastewater disposal, primarily related to production of gas from the Barnett Shale, with earthquakes,” William Ellsworth, a seismologist with the US Geological Survey, tells StateImpact Texas. But it’s important to note that for the most part, these quakes have done little damage. “At this point the earthquakes are a bit of an annoyance, certainly, and there’s always the possibility that something larger might occur,” Ellsworth says.

Elllsworth was one of the authors of a study from April linking disposal wells and other drilling activity to earthquakes.

That group looked at quakes measuring 3.0 or higher on the Richter scale. It found that quakes have increased in frequency and intensity, beginning in 2001. In 2009, there were 50 quakes in the midcontinent region. In 2010, 87. And last year, the number jumped to 134. That’s a sixfold increase over earthquake frequency in the 20th century, according to the report. Continue Reading

BP Settles With OSHA: $13 Million For Texas City Refinery Explosion

Photo by WILLIAM PHILPOTT/AFP/Getty Images

Workers sift through debris at the BP facility in Texas City 35 miles south of Houston, 24 March 2005, after an explosion that killed 15 the previous day.

On March 23, 2005, an explosion rocked the Texas City BP refinery outside of Houston. Fifteen people were killed and 170 more were injured. Since then, BP has paid over $2 billion in settlements. And last November the company and the state reached an agreement on a $50 million payment from BP for the tragedy.

And today comes news of a $13 million settlement between BP and the Occupational Safety Hazard Administration. That’s on top of a $21.3 million fine assessed by OSHA shortly after the incident, according to the Houston Chronicle.

More from the Houston Chronicle:

The agreement settles 409 of the 439 citations that the agency leveled against BP following the 2009 follow-up inspection. At that time, BP agreed to pay $50.6 million in fines to resolve other citations.

BP, however, was facing more than $30 million in fines for the 439 citations. In Thursday’s agreement, most of the citations were either withdrawn, or re-classified as serious, repeat and unclassified. Only 57 remained classified as willful citations, according to the OSHA announcement.

BP has been trying to sell the plant but hasn’t had much luck finding a buyer because of the ongoing OSHA dispute.

But the Texas City story isn’t over. Continue Reading

Why Earthquakes Are Shaking North Texas: Scientists Investigate Links to Disposal Wells

StateImpact Texas

A hydraulic fracking operation in the Barnett Shale.

Update, November 2013: Quakes have now struck in a different area outside of Fort Worth near the town of Azle and Eagle Mountain Lake. You can read about that series of quakes (and see them mapped) here. 

Yet another earthquake has rattled North Texas. Early Tuesday morning, the city of Keene, 25 miles south of Fort Worth, experienced what the U.S. Geological Survey says was a 2.4 magnitude earthquake.

Earthquake events have been on the rise in an area that hasn’t really seen a whole lot of quakes in the past. That was before disposal wells were constructed nearby, used to dispose of wastewater from hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking.” (For an in-depth look at disposal wells, check out this report from ProPublica.)

“We’ve been looking at the question of whether the number of earthquakes occurring across the mid-continent has changed in recent years. And we find that there is a statistically significant increase in the rate just over the past several years. And many of these are in areas where we know there is a lot of energy activity,” U.S. Geological Survey geophysicist Bill Ellsworth tells StateImpact Texas.

(Update: Read about the Dec. 12 quake outside of Fort Worth here.)

In less than a month, the Johnson County area has been shaken by at least seven different quake events. Continue Reading

How Climate Change Exacerbated the Drought

Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images

A weed grows out of the dry cracked bed of O.C. Fisher Lake in July 2011.

Last year, Texas suffered the worst single-year drought on record. It resulted in nearly $10 billion dollars in losses to crops, livestock and timber in Texas, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

In a new report from NOAA, “State of The Climate,” the agency suggests that thanks to climate change, Texas is likely to see more extreme heat waves and dry spells like it did last year. Twenty times more likely, in fact.

Computer simulations from scientists in Oregon and England show heat waves and other weather patterns related to the La Niña weather pattern(which results in hotter, drier weather in Texas) as 20 times more likely to occur today than 50 years ago. “We found that extreme heat events were roughly 20 times more likely in 2008 than in other La Niña years in the 1960s and indications of an increase in frequency of low seasonal precipitation totals,” a paper within the report notes. The conditions behind the drought are “distinctly more probable than they were 40–50 years ago,” it says.

While the research doesn’t blame climate change as the sole cause of the extreme drought, it explains how the odds of such events occurring have increased because of global warming. Victor Murphy, a meterologist with the National Weather Service in Fort Worth tells the Houston Chronicle that warm and dry conditions thrive on each other. “Drought begets heat and then heat begets drought and a feedback cycle develops,” he says.

Researchers still have trouble directly relating the extreme weather patterns to climate change. But there is a link. The scientists in the NOAA report likened the effects of climate change on weather to the effects of steroids on a baseball player.

Continue Reading

Coming Thursday: A Discussion on Drought and Water Issues in Texas

Thursday night at the University of Texas at Austin you can attend a special event from our ‘Life By the Drop’ series, Solutions for the Looming Water Crisis in Texas. Texas Monthly senior editor Nate Blakeslee will moderate a panel of experts and officials discussing what Texas can do to ensure it has enough water in the future.

To join our live coverage of the panel, follow us on Twitter, @StateImpactTX. Here’s all the info, and you can RSVP for the event over at Texas Monthly:

Life By the Drop: Solutions for the Looming Water Crisis in Texas

Thursday, July 12 
6 p.m. – 8 p.m. 
LBJ Presidential Library

2313 Red River Street Austin, TX 78705 [map]

(Free parking is available in the Library visitors’ lot #38 after 5 p.m.)

Panelists: Kip Averitt, former Texas legislator, founder, Averitt & Associates
Laura Huffman, State Director, The Nature Conservancy
Robert R. Puente, President/CEO, San Antonio Water System
Andrew Sansom, Executive Director, Texas River Systems Institute
Todd Staples, Texas Commissioner of Agriculture

Texas’ Biggest Cash Crop, Cotton, Makes Gradual Rebound

Flickr/Creative Commons

The white fruit of the cotton is called the boll. Texas has led the nation in cotton production for over a century.

Texas is cattle country, an image known the world over. What’s perhaps not so well known is the primacy of the other big C: Cotton. In fact, Texas has led the country in cotton production for over a century.

The fate of the state’s cattle industry as it recovers from last year’s drought is well documented. But what of an industry that rivals ranching in economic dominance? How has cotton faired?

To find out we talked to State Extension Cotton Specialist, Dr. Gaylon Morgan. His overall take is positive, especially when compared to last year.

“35 percent of the [state’s] crop is good to excellent right now, 39 percent is fair, and then 26 precent is poor to very poor,” Morgan says. This time last year, he contrasts, “nearly 60 percent of the crop was poor to very poor.” Continue Reading

ERCOT: So, About that Chance of Rolling Blackouts…

Photo by Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images

On a certain level, you have to feel a bit of sympathy for the Texas grid, managed by the Electric Reliablity Council of Texas (ERCOT).

It’s a well-known fact that there isn’t enough power in the state to meet the grid’s guidelines. The group behind the grid would like to have a “reserve margin” (how much of a cushion of generation capacity there is during times of peak demand) of 13.75 percent. But this summer it’s projected to get down to twelve percent, and drop even further in the coming years. So they’re being cautious, telling people that things are going to be tight.

But at the same time, you don’t want to scare everyone. And you don’t want to look weak.

This quote pretty much sums it all up:

“You know, we want to get the message out of reduced usage during peak demand. At the same time, we want to get the message out that ‘Texas is open for business’,” Donna Nelson, the chair of the Public Utility Commission, said at a meeting last month. “We want to get the message out, peak demand, turn your thermostat up a couple degrees, don’t do your laundry, those kinds of things. But we don’t want to say, ‘if you don’t we’ll have rolling outages’, OK? So, it’s a fine line to walk.”

Fine line is an understatement. Continue Reading

How ExxonMobil Sees the Future of Energy: An Interview with Steve Coll

Photo by Eric Thayer/Getty Images

What will the future of energy look like? Will natural gas make a rebound? What about oil? Will our dependency on it continue, or will it wane?

We recently put some of these questions to Steve Coll of the New Yorker, whose new book, Private Empire: ExxonMobil and American Power looks at the oil giant and its role in the energy economy. Where the Texas-headquartered company goes next, and how it prioritizes its development, can offer insight on where our energy future as a whole is headed.

Coll notes that ExxonMobil has made huge investments in unconventional oil and gas in the United States, most notably with their purchase of the Fort Worth company XTO in 2010, one of the largest producers of unconventional natural gas deposits in the country. “ExxonMobil produces so much oil and gas every day, so just replacing the amount they produce and sell and remaining whole without shrinking is an enormous challenge,” Coll says. ExxonMobil also has had to look for oil and gas in developing countries like Nigeria, and in unconventional ways in the United States and Canada.

You can read the first two parts of our interview here and here.

Q: I think if you look at natural gas right now, people are really concerned. Hitting the lowest prices it’s seen in a decade in April. And people are saying: ‘Well, we’ve really developed this rapidly, and we’ve got this huge glut of natural gas now, and there’s not a lot of ways to use it.’ So I was curious: why you think Exxon Mobil made that choice to develop so much natural gas?

A: Well, I think they looked out over the next 30 or 40 years and they saw through their kind of projections of electric power demand in the United States, the future of the economy, and also the constraints on heavy carbon fuels like coal and also oil as a result of rising concerns about global warming, they assumed that eventually a price on carbon would come into play in the United States. All of that led them to natural gas. Continue Reading

Un-salting the Earth: Jerry Patterson’s Desalination Ambitions

Photo courtesy of Texas General Land Office

Texas Land Commissioner Jerry Patterson wants to build desalination plants on state land.

Texas is sitting on a massive amount of “brackish” water. Too salty to drink, but far less salty than ocean water. A lot of it is just sitting there, below our freshwater aquifers. And there’s enough of it to satisfy the current Texas population for a hundred and fifty years. But how do we get to it, and how much will it cost to do so?

That question is now on the mind of the Texas General Land Office. Today Commissioner Jerry Patterson proposed building some smaller desalination projects in Central Texas to help meet water demand in the region.

“Everyone says the state’s population is going to double by 2060,” Patterson tells StateImpact Texas. “And I guess you could say there’s enough water. But it’s not in the right place.”

Patterson, who’s running for Lieutenant Governor in 2014, is looking at several sites that belong to the commission’s Permanent School Fund, all of them along the I-35 corridor between Austin and San Antonio. “Anything we do to produce water for Central Texas reduces the impact on the Highland Lakes,” Patterson says. “That’s not only good for the folks that live around the Highland Lakes, it’s also good for those downstream consumers.” Patterson says less water taken out of the lakes means more for rice farmers, bays and estuaries, utilities and the petro-chemical industry.

But isn’t desalination expensive and energy-intensive? Continue Reading

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