How 1,000 Pounds of Butter Can Power a Home for 3 Days

Photo by Flickr user Robert S. Donovan(Creative Commons)
Believe it Or Not: Butter Can Be Used to Power a Home
Don’t tell Paula Deen, but butter can be used for something other than making fried butter balls. Turns out that in addition to making everything taste better (yes, even bacon), butter can also make energy.
And not just any butter, but a large sculpture of it “showing a boy leading his prize-winning calf through a county fair,” according to our sister site StateImpact Pennsylvania. The sculpture is an annual tradition at the Pennsylvania Farm Show, and this year a farmer is taking the butter, converting it to methane, and running his home and farm off of the energy for three days.
StateImpact Pennsylvania has the fatty details:
“Turns out, butter becomes gas through the work of a methane digester. Glenn Cauffman, the manager of Penn State University’s Farm Operations, said the butter will be dumped into a big heated tank where microorganisms will feast on it. “Those microorganisms can break those fat molecules apart into the less complex molecules,” he explained. “Then further take that to produce a gas called methane, which burns readily in an engine, and can be converted into…electricity.””
So go quickly grab a piece Texas Toast (and a Lipitor), and then sit down to read all about the buttery wonder over at StateImpact Pennsylvania.