TAG | right-to-farm
18 stories

Oklahoma Voters Soundly Reject State Question to Constitutionally Protect Farming and Ranching

Oklahoma voters on Tuesday rejected State Question 777 — known by supporters as the right-to-farm amendment.


Uncertainty Surrounds Right-to-Farm Even In States That Adopted It Years Ago

Oklahoma could become the third state to add a “right-to-farm” amendment to its constitution if voters approve State Question 777 this November.


Groups Opposing State Question On Agriculture Form Unusual Alliance Over Water

Opposition to the state question comes from multiple sources, but a diverse coalition urging a ‘no’ vote is united by a shared concern: water.


Right-to-Farm or Right-to-Harm: Oklahoma Voters Get Final Say With SQ 777

Oklahoma voters decide on State Question 777 in November. Supporters call the ballot initiative right-to-farm, but opponents prefer right-to-harm. It’s a divisive, national issue that’s made its way to Oklahoma, pitting agriculture against environmentalists and animal rights activists.


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