Oklahoma City police officer charged with manslaughter for shooting Bennie Edwards
Oklahoma City Police Sgt. Clifford Holman will face manslaughter charges for shooting Bennie Edwards.
Oklahoma City Police Sgt. Clifford Holman will face manslaughter charges for shooting Bennie Edwards.
Oklahoma City Police Department released the names of officers who shot Bennie Edwards.
A man who sold flowers was killed by police, Friday night. Police say he had a knife.
Oklahoma City Police are trying new ways to help people in crisis cope with their illness’ and potentially get faster access to care.
Residents of Oklahoma City often don’t hear the details surrounding complaints against police and the investigations they prompt. Black Lives Matter activists are calling for independent probes of police investigations.
Thousands of Oklahomans demanded change after an unarmed black man was killed by police in Minneapolis. Protesters in Oklahoma City especially criticized its police departments relatively high number of killings of black residents. City leaders are considering some of the protesters’ demands.
Oklahoma City Police shot a 14-year-old boy who was playing with a B.B. gun. Police say the shooting was justified. The boy’s attorney claims his civil rights were violated.