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What’s in Fracking Fluid? Texas Will Now Have an Answer

The Railroad Commission of Texas, which oversees drilling in the state, passed new rules requiring the disclosure of chemicals used in hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”) today. The rules were proposed by the state legislature earlier this year and signed into law by Governor Rick Perry this summer. Companies will have to disclose on the website FracFocus what […]

How the Natural Gas Industry Is Responding to the EPA Fracking Contamination Report

It’s been only a few days since the EPA released draft findings of contamination by hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”) drilling operations in Wyoming, and already the industry is attempting to drill holes in the EPA’s findings. Residents near the drilling sites in Pavillion, Wyoming asked the EPA three years ago to investigate possible contamination after noticing water from […]

Fracking Contaminated Water Supply, EPA Says

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released draft findings of its investigation of contaminated water in Pavillion, Wyoming today. The agency investigated allegations against a drilling company, Encana, which uses a process called hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” (where a mixture of water, chemicals and sand is pressure-blasted deep underground to create fissures that release oil and […]

Texas Railroad Commission Punts on Fracking Disclosure Rules

New rules with a big impact for many Texans came up at a meeting of the Railroad Commission of Texas today. They would require oil and gas companies to disclose what chemicals they use when “fracking.” Residents near some drilling sites in Fort Worth are concerned about the fracking fluids possibly contaminating their water supply. […]

Hungry for Electricity, Mexico Considers Border Fracking

The Eagle Ford Shale formation in South Texas has made headlines for its abundance of natural gas, but the formation doesn’t end at the Rio Grande. That fact is not lost on the Mexican government. Last week, the Mexican Minister of Energy proposed ramping up hydraulic fracturing operations in Northern Mexico. The announcement wasn’t especially […]

A Hidden Danger of Fracking

Much of the attention to the potential dangers of oil and gas exploration, especially in hydraulic fracturing (aka “fracking”), has focused on the environmental impact it may have. Will it cause earthquakes? Can it pollute the water? Does natural gas have a bigger carbon footprint than coal? But a new study from the Chemical Safety Board (CSB), a […]

How Does Hydraulic Fracturing (“Fracking”) Work?

Want to learn more and get updates on this story? Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. Hydraulic fracturing or “fracking” is a drilling process by which natural gas and oil are mined from the earth. Manufacturers use hydraulic fracturing to stimulate wells and recover gas from sources such as coal beds and shale gas formations underground. The process requires […]

Here’s Why the U.S. Banned Crude Oil Exports

It might sound surprising that the U.S. does not allow the export of one of its most valuable and plentiful natural resources — but in the case of crude oil, it’s true. A lot of Texas politicians would like to see the ban overturned, and soon lawmakers in the U.S. House of Representatives may vote […]