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Why the Legislature May Target Drillers’ Overweight Trucks

Looking for ways to pay to rebuild roads damaged by thousands of trucks servicing oil and gas drilling, the Texas legislature will likely consider raising fees for overweight trucks when it convenes in January. “The fees we are collecting today just are not sufficient to compensate for the increased consumption of pavement and bridges,” John […]

All About the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT)

The Texas Department of Transportation regulates all things road related and then some. The department’s been around since 1917, and over the years, it’s taken aviation, railways, and public transportation under its wings. In the upcoming legislative session, the department has to tackle some challenges: primarily, what to do about fracking-damaged roads.

Will Texas Taxes Pay for Damaged Counties in Eagle Ford?

Hearing some officials talk about the oil boom in South Texas, you’d think the streets were paved with gold. Yet the reality is the pavement is almost gone in some spots, ripped up by thousands of heavy trucks servicing oil drilling rigs. Some county leaders say  the millions of tax dollars that could help fix […]

How Abandoned Wells Can Cause Explosions and Contamination

Abandoned wells in Pennsylvania are putting landowners at risk for drilling-induced explosions and water contamination, according to a new investigative series by our fellow StateImpact reporters in Pennsylvania. After a methane geyser erupted in the Pennsylvania countryside last year, StateImpact Pennsylvania is now looking into the dangers of abandoned, aka “orphaned,” wells in their Perilous […]

UT Gasses Up for New Methane Study

The University of Texas at Austin is wrapping up the final stages of a new study that looks at how much methane is released during the drilling process known as hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking.” Understanding how much methane is released is important to decreasing emissions overall, as methane is a known ‘greenhouse gas’ that contributes to […]