Latest Insiders Poll: Chisum a Favorite for Railroad Commission

Photo courtesy of the Texas House of Representatives
Warren Chisum has the lead in the race for the open seat on the Railroad Commission, according to the Texas Tribune's latest insiders poll
Our friends at the Texas Tribune and Texas Weekly released their latest ‘Inside Intelligence’ poll to the public today, a survey of several “insiders” with their projections for some of the upcoming races. The poll, conducted last week, takes a look at the Republican Primary race for the open seat on the Railroad Commission of Texas (currently occupied by interim appointee Buddy Garcia). Whoever wins the primary will go on to face Democrat Dale Henry (who’ll be running for the Commission for a third time) in the general election in November.
The poll found an edge for Panhandle Rep. Warren Chisum, R-Pampa, with 58 percent of the insiders favoring him to win. 37 percent give the primary rice to Christi Craddick, daughter of state Rep. Tom Craddick. Only five percent favor Roland Sledge, an energy attorney in Houston.
Some of the choice quotes from respondents? Here you go:
- On Chisum: “Who would voters trust more than a good ‘ol boy from West Texas?”
- On Craddick: “Daddy’s million will put her over the top but she is doing very well on her own.”
- And lastly: “I’m working very hard to bring this one up to the level of indifference. Failing so far.”