
Energy and Environment Reporting for Texas

How We Can Eat Invasive Species Away: A Special Event Monday in Austin

Courtesy of Dave Irving via Flickr Creative Commons

Feral hogs, an invasive species, are wreaking havoc across Texas.

StateImpact Texas will be invading a special session of KUT Radio Austin’s Views and Brews this Monday at the Cactus Cafe. It’s a regular panel hosted by KUT where we discuss the issues and art of our time, over beer (hence the “Brews” with the “Views”).

Our very own Mose Buchele will lead a discussion that will look at questions like: What do we mean by invasive species? How do they get here? What is their impact on the environment when they arrive? We’ll talk about these questions and also look at the ways we adapt to their presence, from making them into delicacies to hunting them for sport. And you’ll have the chance to ask questions and add thoughts of your own to the discussion.

On Monday, May 7th at 6 p.m. you can join us and hear from experts who hunt, study and yes, sometimes eat, invasive species. Doors open at 5:30. It’s free and open to the public, but seating is limited so we suggest getting there early.

Views and Brews: Invasive Species and Why We Love Them With Salt

Monday, May 7th, 6 p.m. (Doors at 5:30)

The Cactus Cafe

2247 Guadalupe Street

Austin, Texas

Previously: The Top Ten Invasive Species in Texas


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