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Report: As Drilling Grows, Fracking Using More Water

From The Texas Tribune: A new University of Texas at Austin study has found that the amount of water used in the drilling practice known as hydraulic fracturing has risen sharply in recent years as oil and natural gas production has surged. But the 97-page study, funded by the Texas Oil and Gas Association, also found that […]

Why the UT Fracking Study Controversy Matters

One University of Texas at Austin professor has retired and another has resigned his position as head of UT’s Energy Institute, the school announced Thursday after the release of a scathing review of a study on fracking that has become mired in controversy. The man at the center of the storm for sitting on the […]

Where is the Radioactive Rod? How Halliburton Lost a Tiny Fracking Tool

Somebody call Radioactive Man and Fallout Boy. A radioactive rod is missing in the West Texas desert. Sometime last Monday, September 11, a three-man team of Halliburton oilfield workers lost a radioactive rod used in hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking.” The crew believes it was lost in an area of about 130 square miles, somewhere between a well site in […]

Review Panel Announced for Controversial Fracking Study

A few weeks back we reported that the lead author of an academic study on hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” had been sitting on the board of a drilling company at the time, earning well over a million dollars in compensation. After the financial ties came to light, the University of Texas at Austin, whose Energy […]

What Texas’ Fracking Disclosure Law Does and Doesn’t Do

Hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” involves sending an awful lot of stuff into the ground. A new report by the Dallas Morning News examines just how much stuff is needed, and what exactly is in it. Dallas’ City Council is currently considering regulation of fracking within city limits, so the Morning News decided to learn what […]