
Energy and Environment Reporting for Texas


Where politics, government and energy intersect.

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For Texas, a Choice: Conservation or Rolling Blackouts

Yana Skorobogatov contributed reporting to this article. If the state encounters another scorching hot summer like we had last year, the choice will be between rolling blackouts or ramped-up conservation, said Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT ) President Tripp Doggett at a State House hearing today. “If we have the same summer as last […]

Another Round in Texas vs. the EPA: ‘Don’t Touch Our Fracking’

Looks like those hoping the conflict between Texas and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would cool down after Rick Perry’s departure from the presidential race are in for some disappointment. On Tuesday, the Railroad Commission of Texas, which regulates drilling in the state, fired a shot across the bow of the EPA. The message? Don’t touch […]

LCRA Releases Draft of Water Plan

Some big changes could be in play for water in Central Texas. The Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA), which manages water and some energy projects in the region, released a draft of its water plan today for the decades to come. As Texas continues to reel from a record drought while adding more people, some changes […]

Now Read This: StateImpact Texas Top 5

Photo by Ethan Miller/Getty Images Burros marched, pipelines were delayed, and wells caught fire. In case you missed it, here are the five top posts from StateImpact Texas over the last week: Four Reasons Why Obama Decided Against the Keystone XL Pipeline: What was behind the president’s decision? A new document sheds some light. Where the […]

Keystone the Beer vs. Keystone the Pipeline

One is big news in Washington, DC, the other is big drinkin’ on college campuses. As the Keystone XL pipeline made headlines once again this week, the National Journal thought to ask the makers of Keystone beer what they thought of the inadvertent attention suddenly coming their way: ““They share the same name, but that’s […]

The LCRA’s New Year’s Resolution: Gain 272 Billion Pounds (of Water)

The Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA), the state entity that handles water for Central Texas, has announced their New Year’s resolution for 2012. And instead of losing weight, they want to gain some: A whopping 272 billion pounds (of water). In a news release today, the LCRA says that it’s set a major goal of increasing its […]

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