
Energy and Environment Reporting for Texas


Drought, wildfires, and extreme weather — is this the new normal for Texas?

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Eyes of the Storm: Hurricane Isaac in Photos

As Hurricane Isaac begins to work its way north of New Orleans, rains and wind continue to hit Southern Louisiana. And once the storm does leave, it will leave behind widespread flooding and damage. In the slideshow above, you can see some of the impacts of the storm so far. And while Texas was spared […]

In the Hill Country, Fighting Fires Before They Start

Since the Labor Day wildfires of 2011, many communities have begun taking it upon themselves to make their homes safer in the event of another wildfire.  One of those places is Steiner Ranch, a planned community near Lake Travis, in the Hill Country outside of Austin. Recently a group of volunteers, firefighters and residents got […]

The 2011 Labor Day Fires: A Narrow Escape in Spicewood

This weekend marks a year since massive wildfires tore through Central Texas, burning more than 1,600 homes, killing two people, and uprooting countless lives. Over the course of the last year, KUT News and StateImpact Texas have been collecting stories from the people who lived through the fires and reporting on some of the causes, […]

Why Wildfires are Growing, and Whether You’re at Risk

All this week we’re bringing you stories on the 2011 Labor Day Wildfires that destroyed over a thousand homes in Central Texas. On Monday, we looked at some of the complications that led to the fire beyond the well-known heat and drought. Later today, we’ll bring you a story of a narrow escape from the Pedernales […]

The Bigger Picture on Carbon Emissions

You may have been encouraged to read a widely-circulated story last week that declared “CO2 Emissions in U.S. Drop to 20-year Low.” The report from the Associated Press largely credits cheap natural gas for the change, and says that “many of the world’s leading climate scientists didn’t see the drop coming, in large part because it […]

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