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29 Stories

In Pa., renewable energy projects could come online faster with new PJM policy

PJM is changing how it reviews electricity-generating projects, in an effort to speed up the process.

By Shelby Bradford

Updated: 2021-09-25 13:26:30

Pa. community’s fight against electric lines shows tensions coming with push toward a clean energy future

To achieve a carbon-free electricity sector, the country would need to more than double the power infrastructure it has now in the next decade.

By Rachel McDevitt

Electricity usage down across the region, which helps power grid staffing

PJM had prepared for pandemics and even did dry-runs with their staff working from home.
By Susan Phillips

Cities, attorneys general call for new leader of PJM Interconnection to focus on clean energy

The power grid operator’s board has received appeals from around the country to ensure its next leader prioritizes clean energy

By Marie Cusick

PJM, nation’s largest power grid operator, grapples with carbon pricing as states diverge on climate policies

The organization is trying to walk a fine line between respecting states’ rights while figuring out how to incorporate diverse climate polices into its wholesale electricity market.

By Marie Cusick

PJM: There is no grid emergency (at least for the next five years)

The nation’s largest electric grid studied whether its reliance on natural gas could threaten the system. The answer: Not now, but a perfect storm of events could cause problems.

By Reid Frazier