State Parks
Oklahoma’s state parks, lodges, golf courses and travel information centers are managed by the Parks Division, which is organized within the Oklahoma Department of Tourism and Recreation.
OakleyOriginals / Flickr
Robbers Cave State Park in southeastern Oklahoma is one of the state's post popular parks.
The tourism department has suffered a 22 percent budget cut since 2009, and officials in 2011 announced plans to close or transfer seven state parks, a move that Executive Director Deby Snodgrass said would save taxpayers $700,000 a year.
The parks were sparsely attended, generated little revenue from activity fees, and often duplicated amenities of more popular parks nearby, Snodgrass said.
Cities ended up taking over five of the parks; American Indian tribes assumed management of the other two.
Currently, Oklahoma has 35 official state parks.
Appropriation for State Parks
2011 |
$11,117,884 |
2010 |
$10,222,308 |
2009 |
$11,486,806 |
2008 |
$12,827,001 |
2007 |
$14,541,892 |
Source: Oklahoma Department of Tourism and Recreation data.
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