
Energy and Environment Reporting for Texas


Where politics, government and energy intersect.

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Tiger Prawns Roar into the Gulf of Mexico

The Asian Tiger Prawn can grow over a foot long. It’s a species from the Western Pacific Ocean that first showed up off the coast of Alabama in 2006, when a single, solitary prawn was reported. If the story ended there, we wouldn’t have much to talk about. But it doesn’t. “The next year in […]

Debating the Keystone XL Pipeline

Recently, we wrote about the difficulties in finding a route for the Keystone XL pipeline from the oil sands of Canada through environmentally-sensitive areas of Nebraska to refineries in Texas. While the company behind the pipeline looks for a route that will appease Nebraska’s state government (and await a decision from the Obama administration by the […]

What is Going On with the Keystone XL Pipeline?

It’s been a busy weekend for the proposed Keystone XL pipeline and you might be wondering where things stand. The answer: chaos. First, a little history. The pipeline is a 1,700-mile behemoth that is currently in the planning stages. It would take crude oil from Canada (harvested from the country’s tar sands) to refineries in […]

Fracking Report Reverberates in Texas

A report on fracking and water contamination from the Environmental Protection Agency sent shockwaves through the industry this week. What does it mean for drilling in Texas?

What’s in Fracking Fluid? Texas Will Now Have an Answer

The Railroad Commission of Texas, which oversees drilling in the state, passed new rules requiring the disclosure of chemicals used in hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”) today. The rules were proposed by the state legislature earlier this year and signed into law by Governor Rick Perry this summer. Companies will have to disclose on the website FracFocus what […]

PUC Suggests Eliminating Cap on Electricity Prices

One member of the Public Utility Commission of Texas, concerned that electricity generators need more incentives to build additional power plants, suggested eliminating the cap on prices charged during peak times. “I’m not prejudging it. I’ve got no particular problem raising the system wide offer cap, or eliminating the cap or adjusting the cap on peak […]

Live-Blogging the TCEQ Commissioners’ Meeting

Today the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality is holding their monthly commissioners’ meeting, where they vote on enforcement and regulations. Some important items are on the agenda today, from new regulations to water restrictions. We’ll be live-blogging the meeting below:

Power Plant Shutdowns, Delays Could Mean More Blackouts Next Year

The Electric Reliability Council of Texas, which oversees much of the state’s power, released projections this week for grid reliability over the coming years. ERCOT says rolling blackouts like the ones we had last winter remain a possibility. The report includes a list of energy projects that it expected to be online by now but […]

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