
Energy and Environment Reporting for Texas

Monthly Archives: August 2012

Walmart Becomes A Solar King, Just Not in Texas. Yet.

Photo by David McNew/Getty Images

Solar panels cover the roof of a Sam's Club store that was one of Wal Mart's earlier solar installations in April 2009 in Glendora, California.

It’s where you might go for pool noodles, school supplies and perhaps just people-watching. But the retail behemoth Walmart is also becoming known as a green energy company.

On Monday, Walmart unveiled its 100th solar panel array for a store in San Diego. The company has the goal of using 100 percent renewable energy to power its stores, and the San Diego project is only the latest in a long line of solar initiatives at Walmart stores in California, expected to provide 10 to 30 percent of the retail outlets’ energy needs. And the company has solar arrays installed at stores in Arizona and Puerto Rico. Walmart’s green energy initiatives put it ahead of other like-minded companies like IKEA and Apple, according to BusinessWeek.

So, Texas has plenty of Walmarts. And plenty of sun. But there are no solar stores here. Why?

“We’re looking to expand the program,” says Brooke Buchanan, director of sustainability communications at Walmart. “And Texas is on the list for consideration.” The company aims to have 1,000 locations using solar power by 2020.

And while the company hasn’t put any solar panels on its Texas stores yet, it is utilizing our state’s wind. Continue Reading

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