TAG | Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services
7 stories

Oklahoma paid for more addiction treatment and providers say its saving lives

The state partnered with substance abuse treatment providers to eliminate a counter productive wait time people struggling with addiction had to bear to get into treatment. Providers say the change is giving people a better chance to live.


How to bring care to mental health emergencies

Oklahoma City Police are trying new ways to help people in crisis cope with their illness’ and potentially get faster access to care.

By and

Shorthanded mental health groups prepare for high caseloads after nation’s largest commutation

Following the nation’s largest commutation, the state and community nonprofits are preparing to help several hundred people who were released from prison in the same day.


Drug and mental health courts could get more funding under a bill advancing through Oklahoma Legislature

A state legislator believes lawmakers should invest more money in programs designed to treat underlying problems and steer people away from prison.


Agency expands screening program to steer defendants away from prison time

State officials are taking a program meant to help courts match felony defendants with treatment and rehabilitation services statewide.


District attorney defeat could bring drug court to one of the only counties without one

A judge’s promise to bring a drug court to Pawnee County eventually led to a legal dispute with a district attorney who said the county couldn’t support drug court. The DA’s primary election loss may pave the way for a new attempt to bring the county a drug court.
