Oklahoma’s Top 5 Local Water Priorities Now That State Question 764 Is Law
Logan Layden
The Oklahoma Water Resources Board’s Financial Assistance Program helps local governments secure loans to make water infrastructure improvements.
Since the program began in 1985, nearly $3 billion has been provided to counties and municipalities to build wells, improve sewer systems, install generators, and a host of other water projects.
The program allows localities to use the state’s credit to secure loans, instead of their own credit ratings, which are usually worse. But the program was finally stretched to its limit earlier this year.
That’s where State Question 764 comes in. 764 passed on Election Day and expands the amount OWRB can back up loans with to $300 million. Executive Director J.D. Strong says that translates to billions more in loans over the next several decades.
The lists of projects needing funding are long, but the OWRB says these are the top-five priorities:
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