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From Black Gold To Green Economy: Long-Time Entrepreneur Talks New Markets

It’s been three years since the Green Launching Pad initiative was started at the University of New Hampshire with $1.5 million in federal stimulus money.  The goal of the project was to fund and support the state’s most promising, eco-friendly start-ups, and enhance New Hampshire’s green economy in the long term.  Under federal rules, the […]

Three Years Later: The Progress And Challenges Of The Green Launching Pad

A taxpayer-funded eco-business program is paying off for New Hampshire.  The Green Launching Pad at the University of New Hampshire has given grants to more than a dozen start-ups in the state.  But it hasn’t awarded any new funds since last year. But the scene at the statehouse last winter was one of optimism for a […]

Drink Coasters 2.0: Seacoast Startup Puts Ads In A New Place

By turning drink coasters into local advertising space, a self-described “coaster fiend” and her three friends are trying to promote local businesses, support charities – and create local jobs while they’re at it. Here’s how it works: LocalCoaster sells low-cost advertising to local shops like The RiverRun Bookstore on one side of a coaster. On the […]

Getting By, Getting Ahead: Start-Up Entrepreneur Brings High-Tech Talent To Rural N.H.

As part of our weekly “Getting By, Getting Ahead” series, StateImpact is traveling across New Hampshire, gathering personal stories from the people behind the economy.  In our third installment, we visit a biotech start-up in the Dartmouth-Lake Sunapee region. _____ Deep inside a nondescript business park in Lebanon, a blocky, industrial building is getting a […]

Dartmouth-Lake Sunapee Snapshot: Burgeoning Start-Up Scene Wrestles With Recruitment Challenge

Tomorrow morning on NHPR, we’ll hear from Tillman Gerngross, a bioengineering entrepreneur in the Upper Valley. Tillman’s story is Part Three of our series “Getting By, Getting Ahead,” examining how people across New Hampshire’s seven regions are navigating a recovering economy.                             […]

This Week’s Essential StateImpact

In honor of the awesomeness that’s the Friday afternoon weekly wind-down, we’re proud to present this week’s Top 5 StateImpact posts. Has The Stimulus Created Jobs In NH? Depends On How You Slice The Numbers: Since its passage in 2009, the question of whether the so-called “Stimulus Package” has actually created jobs crops up.  We […]

This Week’s Essential StateImpact

Before you prepare to pack up and check out for the weekend, we’ve rounded up the top five posts that caught your collective eye.  From obscure urbanization studies to electricity deregulation and women entrepreneurs, our Essential StateImpact posts make for a particularly motley crew this week. Why Urban States Are More Productive Than Rural Ones […]

How–And Why–NH Resurrected A Help Center For Women Entrepreneurs

Like the proverbial phoenix rising from the ashes, the new Center for Women’s Business Advancement seeks to build upon the foundation of its predecessor of supporting women entrepreneurs in New Hampshire and to go much further. The CWBA, located at Southern New Hampshire University in Manchester, celebrated its grand opening in February upon being awarded […]

This Week’s Essential StateImpact

Five Reasons Why Angel Investors (Think “Shark Tank”) Matter To The Economy: Our top post this week breaks down a new report from the University of New Hampshire explaining why this high-powered, super-secretive investment market is a key part of the national economy. What A Canadian Newspaper Reports About Hydro-Quebec (And Northern Pass): Normally, we […]

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