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In N.H., Minimum Wage Earners Need 2.8 Jobs To Afford 2-Bedroom Apartment

In order to afford a two-bedroom apartment in New Hampshire, a renter would need to work 2.8 minimum-wage jobs. The math breaks down like this: According to HUD’s Fair Market Rent documentation, a two-bedroom apartment will cost about $1,065 in New Hampshire. In order to spend only 30 percent of one’s income on rent, a […]

Farm-To-Table Proposal Gets Mixed Review At Hearing

A legislative proposal to expand the production and sale of food grown in New Hampshire received a lukewarm reception at a public hearing at the State House this morning. Senate Bill 141 calls for the creation of a farm-to-table program to promote the economic development of New Hampshire’s farming and fishing sectors, while increasing consumers’ […]

After Board Vote, LGC Chief Steps Down

After about four years as head of the Local Government Center, Executive Director Maura Carroll is stepping down. During most of her tenure as Executive Director, Maura Carroll headed an embattled LGC.  The state’s Bureau of Securities Regulation contends that for years, the LGC overcharged communities for health insurance premiums and improperly used funds.  The […]

Education Tax Credit Supporters Turn Out Against Repeal

The House Ways and Means Committee heard testimony Thursday on a bill that would repeal the School Choice Scholarship Act, which passed last year. The act allows businesses to receive a tax credit when they donate scholarship money to private schools. Many of the same arguments that were heard last session came up again this […]

N.H.’s R&D Tax Credit Explained

Thursday, the New Hampshire Senate unanimously approved a bill that increases the state’s research and development tax credit funding from $1 million to $2 million beginning this year. Last year, 111 qualifying businesses shared that $1 million – so that the 58 businesses who qualified for the maximum credit of $50,000 received $12,065 each. Who […]

Gov. Hassan Creates Revenue Estimating Panel By Executive Order

Governor Hassan has issued an executive order creating a panel of experts to advise her on state revenue projections. Once a budget is adopted by the legislature, the panel will meet regularly to review revenue estimates, and share those estimates with legislators. Earlier this month, the state’s Legislative Budget Assistant Jeffry Pattison told us why […]

R&D Tax Credit Bill Gets The Go Ahead In Ways And Means

The Senate Ways and Means committee has unanimously agreed to send to the floor a bill that doubles New Hampshire’s research and development tax credit – a priority of both the Business and Industry Association, as well as Senate Democrats. Senator Odell, who is chairman of the Ways and Means committee, says he introduced a […]

Coalition Of Communities Pushes For Voice In LGC Appeal

A cadre of communities is pushing the New Hampshire Supreme Court to allow them to participate in the Local Government Center‘s appeal.  Fourteen towns, led by Durham, Peterborough, Salem and Northfield have filed a motion to intervene in the case. The LGC insures municipalities, school districts, and agencies, handling hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars.  […]

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