With $4.2 Million Wrapped Up In Northern Pass, City Of Franklin To Hire Lobbyist This Session

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The city of Franklin will hire a lobbyist this legislative session to follow the Northern Pass project.

The town stands to gain about $4.2 million dollars annually in property taxes, if the Northern Pass project goes through.  The taxes would be paid by PSNH on a converter station, which will be built in Franklin.

Elizabeth Dragon, the city manager of Franklin, says the city is looking for someone to follow relevant legislation and alert Franklin officials when necessary, “so that if there is a bill that requires us to travel to Concord to testify, we can do that.”

Dragon says the revenue from property taxes paid on the converter station would allow them to better fund their schools and maintain their roads. She says infrastructure funds have been so low, the town has had to convert paved roads back to dirt to save money.


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