This Week’s Essential StateImpact

Owen's / Flickr

These are the posts that sparked your interest

It’s that time again!  A time when we at StateImpact sit back and sift through the crowd’s collective wisdom to bring you the Top 5 Must Read Posts of the week.  And we’ve got a rather diverse roundup this week, spanning fishing and politics, indie booksellers and foreclosure funds.  Here, ready for your perusal, is the Essential StateImpact:

  1. Staying Afloat: One NH Fisherman’s Struggle To Keep Fishing: Our top post of the week breaks down why the feds changed groundfishing regulations, and how those changes are challenging a long-time fisherman’s livelihood.  And, it’s got a slideshow.
  2. NH Bookstore Flips The Script On Struggling Indie Bookseller Narrative: A chance set of comments by a prominent developer about his latest pet project puts a local bookstore outside a long-time national trend.
  3. Economy Dominates GOP And Democratic Campaign Events In NH: One day, two political parties, and two very different campaign appearances.  We compare what Mitt Romney and Obama proxy Lilly Ledbetter said on the stump.
  4. Five Reasons Why Angel Investors (Think “Shark Tank”) Matter To The Economy: This post has legs!  We lift the curtain on this obscure corner of the marketplace.
  5. NH Plays Waiting Game For Foreclosure Settlement Money: New Hampshire has a healthy slice of a massive settlement with the big banks coming.  But there’s a lot of work to be done before the state–or foreclosed families–see a penny of it.


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