This Week’s Essential StateImpact

Jen and Tony Bot / Flickr
After consulting our futuristic cyber minions, we've got a pretty good idea of which StateImpact posts you liked best this week
After checking this week’s stats, we’ve got some clear winners for which posts drew the most eyes…and comments! If life happened to you and you missed our five most popular posts, you can catch up by clicking on the titles listed below:
- Is New Hampshire Really As Anti-Tax As It’s Cracked Up To Be?–The post that talks tax policy, quotes pollsters, and tells you what “conservative” Iowa and “liberal” Washington State have in common…and how New Hampshire’s different from both of them. It got a lot of you talking!
- Cain’s 9-9-9 Touches Third Rail Of New Hampshire Tax Policy–This is the long companion post to a shorter national piece we produced for Weekend Edition Sunday. It was another story that generated a lot of buzz among our StateImpact followers.
- New Hampshire Governor Asks President For Help With Storm Relief–First it was Irene…then it was Snowtober. A number of you checked-in with StateImpact’s coverage of the state’s latest plea for FEMA aid.
- Map: Where Lowe’s Is Closing–We love maps and other graphics–and apparently you do, too! This post has some serious staying power. In case you haven’t seen it, this map lays out where the 20 stores are that Lowe’s is shutting down. And the Northeast is taking the biggest hit.
- Laconia Sees Boom In Vacation Home Market–Since we wrapped-up our series looking at the effect of second homes on the state’s economy, we’ve been keeping an eye out for other coverage. And the Laconia Daily Sun delivered. We’ve got the breakdown of their reporting, along with a dash of our own analysis.