
Energy and Environment Reporting for Texas


Where politics, government and energy intersect.

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StateImpact Texas Talks Energy Legislation with KXAN

As the legislature enters its final weeks, what are the big energy issues still facing lawmakers? Sunday on KXAN StateImpact Texas’ Mose Buchele joined a panel to discuss how water, drilling and fracking are forcing legislators to make some tough decisions as things get down to the wire. You can watch their discussion in the video above.

Texas Seeks BP Settlement Money to Build Artificial Reefs

Texas has announced five projects it hopes to fund with money from a settlement from the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill in 2010. Three of them would aid in building artificial reefs along the Texas Gulf Coast — something that could prove a boon to the fishing industry and tourism. While Texas was not hit […]

Texas Railroad Commission Bill Passes Senate

From the Texas Tribune:  After 40 minutes of discussion Thursday about a bill that would rename the Railroad Commission of Texas and make other significant changes to the agency that regulates the oil and gas industry, the Senate passed the measure with a 21-0 vote. Senate Bill 212, carried by state Sen. Robert Nichols, R-Jacksonville, […]

Senate Passes Fracking Wastewater Pipelines Bill

Update: The Senate unanimously approved SB 514 from the floor this afternoon, according to a representative from Sen. Davis’ office. Original Story: A bill that would reform how fracking wastewater moves to disposal wells could pass through the state Senate today. SB 514, introduced by state Sen. Wendy Davis, D- Fort Worth, would expand the […]

With Fate of Water Plan in Limbo, House Committee Pushes Smaller Water Bills

Quicker than a spring thunderstorm, the House Natural Resources Committee met and pushed forward several bills at the Capitol this morning. While several smaller pieces of legislation were approved, representatives at the meeting managed to avoid talk of HB 11, a marquee piece of water legislation torpedoed on the House floor Monday evening. A bill […]

Hotter Radioactive Waste Could Be Coming To Texas

Update, May 1, 2013: The Senate has passed SB 791. The bill could allow states around the U.S. to import more of the “hotter” radioactive waste into a West Texas disposal facility and limit contested case hearings. Several amendments to the bill were passed, including ones that would make generators of radioactive waste responsible for […]

Comptroller’s Endangered Species Duties Could Go to Wildlife Department

Comptroller Susan Combs, Texas’ top accountant and tax official, doesn’t just deal with money: she’s also in charge of monitoring endangered species. It’s an odd coupling, money manager and critter caretaker, and a new piece of legislation could undo the two disparate duties. The Senate Natural Resources Committee discussed a bill, SB 468, at a meeting Tuesday […]

After Bill Falters, What’s Next for Water Funding in Texas?

Last night on the House floor, a major piece of legislation that would put $2 billion towards water projects in a growing, thirsty state met fierce resistance, ultimately falling victim to a legislative maneuver that effectively sank it. While the legislation to create a water infrastructure bank that would give out loans for water development […]

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