As House Prepares To Debate Impact Fee, Corbett Threatens Veto | StateImpact Pennsylvania Skip Navigation

As House Prepares To Debate Impact Fee, Corbett Threatens Veto

Well, this will certainly throw some cold water on this afternoon’s planned impact fee debate in the House.
From the AP:

[Governor] Corbett, on his way to sign a bill to alter how liability is apportioned for civil lawsuits, told The Associated Press he would veto anything that passes before a panel he appointed reports to him with recommendations, which are expected next month.

Asked why House Republicans were taking up the measure despite his veto threat, the governor said: “Ask them.”

Nearly 7 in 10 Pennsylvanians support some sort of tax or fee on natural gas drilling, and the new House GOP bill, authored by Dave Reed, brings the number levies in front of the General Assembly to at least six. This measure won’t win the support of House Democrats, who are pushing for a more robust tax. “”The money it raises is inconsequential over the life of a well,” caucus spokesman Bill Patton told the AP. “We’re talking on the order of 1 percent or less as an effective tax rate.”

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House To Debate Impact Fee