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StateImpact Wants To Know: How Much FEMA Aid Has New Hampshire Gotten?

FEMA’s been in state news for awhile now.  Whether it’s the response to Hurricane/Tropical Storm Irene or more recently “Snowtober,” New Hampshire’s filed a lot of requests for federal aid in a short time. Although President Obama did issue an emergency declaration following the snow storm, allowing FEMA to offer assistance, it was much more […]

Senator Ayotte Sponsors Bipartisan Bill Aimed At Keeping Internet Sales Tax Free

Earlier this week, we looked at how New Hampshire’s anti-tax attitude compares to other states.  (You can read that post here.)  Now, US Senator Kelly Ayotte is working on a bipartisan bill aimed at keeping internet sales (mostly) sales tax-free.  Here’s what Kathleen Callahan reports for the New Hampshire Business Review: “If U.S. Sen. Kelly […]

New Hampshire Governor Asks President For Help With Storm Relief

Governor John Lynch is asking President Obama to declare an emergency for all New Hampshire counties as a result of last weekend’s severe snow storm. If the request is granted FEMA would give the state federal disaster aid to help deal with storm with damage.

Cain’s 9-9-9 Touches Third Rail Of New Hampshire Tax Policy

The attractiveness and simplicity, of Herman Cain’s 9-9-9 plan — a nine percent federal income, corporate and sales tax — has catapulted the Georgia businessman to the head of the Republican presidential field.  But for some states, 9-9-9 wouldn’t be simple at all.  A handful of states—including the first-in-the-nation primary state of New Hampshire—don’t have a sales tax.  So what would a […]

For New Hampshire, Cain’s 9-9-9 Means New Taxes

New Hampshire is one of a small minority of states without a sales tax.* So when Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain announced his 9-9-9 Plan — 9 percent corporate tax, 9 percent income tax, and a 9 percent national sales tax — residents of New Hampshire started feeling a bit nervous.  While the Cain plan […]

What You Need To Know About President Obama’s Jobs Plan (The Pre-Debate Edition)

Tonight eight Republican Presidential candidates will be debating public policy at Dartmouth College.  Specifically, they’ll be expected to focus on how they’d pump life back into our flagging economy.  And although primary debates are (obviously) single-party affairs, don’t be surprised if President Obama’s American Jobs Act figures prominently in tonight’s discussions. Luckily for New Hampshire […]

Feds Send Drug Czar to New Hampshire to Sell Drug Monitoring Program

New Hampshire is one of only two states in the country that does not have a prescription drug monitoring program. The other state without one is Missouri. But New Hampshire has another distinction– the second highest rate of prescription drug abuse among young people in the nation. The increase in abuse of prescription medications such […]

Another County Eligible For Irene-Related FEMA Aid

Belknap County now joins the growing list of New Hampshire areas eligible for public FEMA aid.  Governor John Lynch made the announcement today.  Most of the counties that qualify for federal help are only eligible for what’s called “public assistance.”  That means FEMA will reimburse them for road repairs, debris removal, and other Irene-related damage […]

More New Hampshire Communities Eligible For Public FEMA Aid

Governor John Lynch announced today that two more counties have been added to the Presidential Disaster Declaration, making them eligible for Irene-related FEMA aid. Communities in Strafford and Sullivan Counties can now apply for help repairing public facilities and infrastructure. As StateImpact has reported, public assistance, for things like roads, is different from individual assistance […]

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