Attorney General Candidates Debate Impact Fee | StateImpact Pennsylvania Skip Navigation

Attorney General Candidates Debate Impact Fee

  • Scott Detrow

We’re about a week behind on this, but earlier this month the Democratic candidates for Attorney General debated each other at the PA Progressive Summit. According to the political blog Above Average Jane, part of the conversation focused on Pennsylvania’s new impact fee. Here’s the site’s notes on the exchange between Patrick Murphy and Kathleen Kane:

[Kane]:  Fracking needs to have full disclosure.  Close loopholes.  No reason chemicals pumped in ground and we don’t’ know what they are.  We need regulations.  Make sure legislators propose right regulations.
[Murphy]:  HB 1950 set aside that says people have to apply for redress to Public Utility Commission.  Corbett a disappointment on environment.  If put safety in jeopardy should go to jail.  Cases where people intentionally put fracking water in to water.  Should go to jail.  I will be a fighter.
[Kane]:  That’s what happens when politics takes over.  Need a prosecutor not a politician.
[Murphy]:  My opponent supported Corbett for AG re-election.  My record is clear.  Two Democrats in the House supported the Frack Act – Sestak and me.

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