PA Gas Drillers Ask NJ Guv to Veto Anti-Fracking Bill
The Marcellus Shale Coalition sent a letter to New Jersey Governor Chris Christie urging him to veto Senate Bill 2576. The bill bans frackingĀ in New Jersey, where, there’s no natural gas and therefore, no fracking. The letter, written by the Coalition’s president Kathryn Klaber, admits the bill has no teeth andĀ is meant as a political statement. But Klaber worries about the precedent setting nature of the legislation. She also points outĀ that 67 percent of New Jersey’s homes are heated by natural gas extracted via fracking in other states.
It is worth noting that the majority of landowners who sit on top of the Marcellus Shale in rural areas of Pennsylvania, do not actually use natural gas to light their homes. The major pipelines rolling beneath their forests and dairy farms serve the gaping needs of the urban east coast.