Hotels and Motels in Greene County, More Money for Ohio, and Other Morning News Links | StateImpact Pennsylvania Skip Navigation

Hotels and Motels in Greene County, More Money for Ohio, and Other Morning News Links

Good morning, and welcome to the StateImpact Pennsylvania website.

Scott Detrow / StateImpactPA/WITF

A drilling rig in Bradford County

Here’s today’s energy news:
Ohio is banking more than $1 million off of Pennsylvania drillers disposing their fracking fluid in the Buckeye State. Traffic is up 25 percent in 2011, and experts say that’s due to new regulations restricting how much fluid companies can dump in the commonwealth’s waterways.
In the latest battle over local zoning ordinances, Range Resources is threatening legal action against a Washington County Community.
More motels are on the way in Greene County. The Observer-Reporter doesn’t like the trend, and blames gas drilling for the construction spike.
And finally, government reform advocate Tim Potts tells Pennsylvania Public Radio’s Mary Wilson he expects some sort of tax or fee on drilling this fall.

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Morning Links: Fracking Bans, More Fracking Bans, An Industry-Funded School Curriculum, And Bryce Harper