7 stories

People with disabilities unsheltered in tornado alley

Despite experiencing some of the most severe weather events in the nation, there are no state laws requiring storm shelters in Oklahoma. Public shelters have largely been closed leaving people with disabilities without a safe option during storms.


A Disastrous Disconnect

Kentucky is among the states blocking climate action. As weather gets more extreme, its residents ā€” and U.S. taxpayers ā€” are paying a price.

Woodward Latest School District to Consider Tornado Shelters Without State Help

Another Oklahoma school district has decided not to wait for the federal and state governments to help it build tornado shelters.


Republicans and Democrats Agree: Tornado Shelters Are Worth Subsidizing

Rep. Tom Cole, R-Okla., and Sen. Mary Landrieu, D-La, each introduced versions of the Tornado Family Safety Act on August 2.
