Oklahoma releases grades for schools
The state's schools grades are slipping, according to new report cards
Robby Korth

Flickr/Tech Geek Teacher
Of about 1,500 schools assigned grades on the annual report card, 493 saw a decrease in their overall letter grades. Only 234 schools saw an increase in performance, while a vast majority had no change.
A third of Oklahoma schools’ performance is slipping, based on metrics released by the State Department of Education Monday.
Of about 1,500 schools assigned grades on the annual report card, 493 saw a decrease in their overall letter grades. Only 234 schools saw an increase in performance, while a vast majority had no change.
The state average grades went from straight C’s a year ago to a smattering of C’s and D’s.The report cards measure and assign grades based on academic achievement and growth as well as English language proficiency progress and chronic absenteeism.
State Superintendent Joy Hofmeister said the state department and schools will need to work together to raise school’s grades moving forward, and simply knowing a school’s performance gives an avenue for that improvement.
“The focus of our accountability system is to ensure that all students are growing and we believe all schools can improve no matter where they are today,” Hofmeister said.
This is the second year Oklahoma Schools have been graded using these report cards, which replaced a previous letter grade system maligned for being too reliant on standardized test scores.
For more information and to see individual schools’ report cards, visit oklaschools.com.