E&E News: ‘Bar Complaint Filed Against Pruitt Over Emails’
Joe Wertz
The Center for Biological Diversity and University of Oklahoma law professor Kristen van de Biezenbos filed a grievance with the Oklahoma Bar Association over U.S. EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt’s confirmation hearing testimony regarding his use of personal email when he served as Oklahoma’s attorney general, E&E News reports:
EPA: Bar complaint filed against Pruitt over emails
They argue Pruitt violated professional conduct rules by saying at the hearing that he only used his work email for official business as the state’s attorney general. Subsequently, emails released under open records litigation show that Pruitt had used personal email for work purposes.
In their grievance, they cite emails from people with the American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers and the American Legislative Exchange Council sent to the then-Oklahoma attorney general’s private Apple email address.