Audience members ask lawmakers questions during a Policy and a Pint event in July.
Joe Wertz / StateImpact Oklahoma
Audience members ask lawmakers questions during a Policy and a Pint event in July.
Joe Wertz / StateImpact Oklahoma
Joe Wertz / StateImpact Oklahoma
Audience members ask lawmakers questions during a Policy and a Pint event in July.
Water is a key component of Oklahoma’s economy. It’s also unique.
Water is simultaneously a public, natural resource and a valuable industrial commodity. And its availability — and scarcity — profoundly impacts business, government, tourism and quality of life.
How do we balance use with conservation? Where is Oklahoma’s water, and where is it needed? Why does Texas want our water? And who owns it, anyway?
It’s a big conversation, and the discussion has deeper meaning given the drought, which has persisted in Oklahoma for two years.
StateImpact will lead a discussion on all things Oklahoma water tonight at Policy and a Pint, an event hosted by our partners at KOSU.
[module align=”right” width=”half” type=”aside”]
Host: KOSU Radio
Guests: J.D. Strong, executive director of the Oklahoma Water Resources Board, and Journal Record reporter M. Scott Carter.
Topic: Water Policy
6 p.m. Tonight
Picasso Cafe
3009 Paseo Dr. (Map!)
Oklahoma City, OK 73103[/module]
J.D. Strong, executive director of the Oklahoma Water Resources Board, and Journal Record reporter M. Scott Carter will be there to help answer your questions along with reporters from KOSU and StateImpact.