KOSU Radio
KOSU Radio
KOSU Radio
Oklahomans and lawmakers met in the Paseo Arts District to discuss state questions at a KOSU Policy and a Pint event in 2010
The income tax debate dominated much of the 2012 legislative session.
But a plan to cut the income tax failed in the end.
So what really happened? How might everyday Oklahomans like you be affected by an income tax cut? What’s a tax credit, who gets ’em, and how do they affect what you pay in taxes?
Ask lawmakers yourself, tonight, at Policy and a Pint. KOSU is hosting, Picasso Cafe is providing snacks, and a half-dozen reporters — including the StateImpact team — will be there to make sure you get answers.
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Host: KOSU Radio
Guests: Sen. David Holt, R-Oklahoma City and Rep. Scott Inman, D-Del City
Topic: Income Tax Cut and Tax Credits
6 p.m. Tonight
Picasso Cafe
3009 Paseo Dr. (Map!)
Oklahoma City, OK 73103[/module]State Sen. David Holt, R-Oklahoma City, and Rep. Scott Inman, D-Del City are on tap for tonight’s discussion, which will be moderated by KOSU capitol reporter Michael Cross. KOSU is a StateImpact partner and collaborator.
The discussion will center on Oklahoma’s income tax and the state’s labyrinth of tax credits and economic incentives. Both were big issues during the 2012 legislative session, and both are likely to be hotly debated in the run-up to next year’s session.
“It’s an open dialogue,” says KOSU reporter and host Ben Allen, “It’s not just a Q&A, it’s a chance for Oklahomans to interact with lawmakers.”
Between 50 and 75 people attended KOSU’s Policy and Pint events in 2010, which focused on state questions, Allen says.