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This page is no longer being updated. For ongoing coverage of this topic, go to New Hampshire Public Radio.
Protecting New Hampshire from a broad-based sales or income tax has been a major issue in New Hampshire elections for decades – and this year’s state races have been no different. But for all the talk around the income tax this season, the proposed constitutional amendment banning a personal income tax hasn’t gotten much attention.
This post has an Infographic! In his acceptance speech at the GOP convention, Mitt Romney asked American voters “are you better off than you were four years ago when President Obama was elected?” The President responded with this: “we are absolutely better off than we were when I was sworn in and we were losing […]
Today, 2nd District Congressman Charlie Bass did a bit of campaigning close to home. He spoke at the Jaffrey-Rindge Rotary Club meeting at Franklin Pierce University this morning. It wasn’t a campaign event per se; Rotary International has strict rules about clubs not endorsing candidates, although politicians can address Rotary groups. And so, Bass spent […]
StateImpact’s been on the campaign trail! And the race in the Second Congressional District is looking like a nail-biter. Democrat Ann McLane Kuster is running against incumbent Republican Congressman Charlie Bass in a rematch following her narrow loss in 2010. Given the interest in this particular election–a fiscally conservative, socially moderate Republican versus a progressive […]
This article was written by Brian Wallstin for NHPR. In the days leading up to the September 11 primary, a Manchester-based political action committee called New Hampshire Republicans for Freedom and Equality launched a direct-mail campaign to support the re-election of 40 Republican House members who helped turn back efforts to repeal the state’s same-sex […]
Next week, New Hampshire voters will decide who gets to run for governor this November. And despite the fact that most states would envy our 5.4 percent unemployment rate, jobs and the economy are the issues driving the primary elections. StateImpact lays out the similarities–and differences–between the plans of the leading Democratic candidates. Q: What […]
Next week, New Hampshire voters will decide who gets to run for governor this November. And despite the fact that most states would envy our 5.4 percent unemployment rate, jobs and the economy are the issues driving the primary elections. StateImpact lays out the similarities–and differences–between the plans of the leading GOP candidates. Q: How […]
With the gubernatorial primaries about a week away, the team at StateImpact is taking a closer look at how the leading contenders would boost New Hampshire’s economy. If you tune into Morning Edition tomorrow and again on Thursday, you’ll catch our quick comparisons of the two Republican and Democratic plans. (And, of course, we’ll be […]
Ed. Note: This story was reported by contributor Brian Wallstin. No candidate in the 2012 gubernatorial race benefited more from a major loophole in New Hampshire’s political-finance regulations than Republican Kevin Smith. State election law limits corporate campaign contributions to $7,000 per election cycle, the same as individual donors. But nothing in the law prohibits multiple limited-liability companies controlled by […]
Happy Friday! If you’re suffering from a spot of pre-weekend ennui, check out our roundup of the top five weekly posts. A Closer Look at Brewery Accidents After The Deadly Redhook Explosion: After the terrible keg explosion at a NH craft brewery, we looked into federal stats and old OSHA reports to determine how rare […]
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