This page is no longer being updated. For ongoing coverage of this topic, go to New Hampshire Public Radio.
This page is no longer being updated. For ongoing coverage of this topic, go to New Hampshire Public Radio.
Last week, a State Senate bill that initially sought to replace New Hampshire’s defined benefit (DB for short — think pension) plan with a defined contribution plan (DC for short — think 401(k)) dissolved into a stalemate.  The Senate and House were not even able to form a commission to make recommendations addressing the state’s $4.2 billion in unfunded […]
The National Bureau of Economic Research just published a working paper titled “Trends In Occupational Segregation by Gender, 1970-2009.” Here are some key takeaways: Since about 1970, more and more women have been moving into previously male-dominated jobs. This — not so surprising. What is surprising, for me at least, is the fact that the […]
After POLICOM Corporation’s research came out yesterday ranking Concord, New Hampshire as the strongest micropolitan economy in the country (check out yesterday’s post on this if you haven’t yet), I decided to get some reactions downtown. Setting up shop at The Works Bakery Cafe, I posed the question below. What do you think? Leave us […]
Memorial Day weekend is the unofficial start to summer — for New Hampshire’s Division of Travel and Tourism Development, at least. The DTTD just launched a television marketing campaign in Boston and New York featuring happy kids running in the woods and playing on the beach. This year, the tourism office predicts that visitors will spend $86 […]
Before you dash away from your desk for Memorial Day weekend, here’s a bit of Friday afternoon refreshment: Your weekly roundup of StateImpact’s Top 5 posts! A Closer Look at Brewery Accidents After The Deadly Redhook Explosion: One of our most popular posts to date, we put the fatal accident at a Portsmouth brewery into […]
“Wealthy people don’t just have better toys; they have better nutrition and better medical care, more free time and more meaningful labor—more of just about every ingredient in the recipe for a happy life. And yet, they aren’t that much happier than those who have less. If money can buy happiness, then why doesn’t it?” […]
The Granite State’s economy depends heavily on well-educated and highly-skilled workers. Historically, a lot of that labor pool has been replenished by out-of-staters. Given recent concerns about the ebbing waves of new Granite Staters, we thought it was time to repost a series of posts we did on the subject of migration, based on IRS […]
It’s that time of the week again! We’ve rounded-up the Top Five StateImpact posts that crowd wisdom decided were on this week’s must-read list. How Junk Mail Is Helping To Prop Up The Postal Service: After a brief hiatus from our Most-Read roundup, this post is back! It’s a combination of humor, hard facts, and […]
Happy Friday! If you’re suffering from a spot of pre-weekend ennui, check out our roundup of the top five weekly posts. A Closer Look at Brewery Accidents After The Deadly Redhook Explosion: After the terrible keg explosion at a NH craft brewery, we looked into federal stats and old OSHA reports to determine how rare […]
At this point, politicos figure nine states could go to either Obama or Romney this November: Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Nevada, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Wisconsin and…New Hampshire. All of them went for Barack Obama back in 2008. But New York Times reporter Michael Cooper notes that Republicans have also made some major strides in those states […]
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