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This page is no longer being updated. For ongoing coverage of this topic, go to New Hampshire Public Radio.
A good-sized chunk of New Hampshire’s economy depends on its manufacturing sector–especially the fabrication of high-tech products and components. And a lot of that stuff gets exported. Now, with increasing chatter about a possible European recession, we thought it would be a good time to re-post our explanation of how, exactly, Eurozone troubles could affect […]
Some of our most popular posts have been our look at the Obama Administration’s push to include home care workers under federal minimum wage and overtime. This issue is ripe for more coverage, and we’ll almost certainly be returning to it. But for now, we invite you to get up to speed on the social […]
It’s that time in the afternoon when we think you might appreciate a bit of brain candy. And we’re only too happy to provide. A while back, Burger King on Loudon Road in Concord shuttered, noting on its sign that it’s “Closed For Remodel.” If you drive by that same spot today, you’ll still see […]
A manufacturing trade group estimates there are 600,000 factory jobs available in the US right now. Many of them are in skilled work, like machining. And most of these jobs are held by Baby Boomers, who are edging closer to retirement. But many of their Gen Y descendents–who were raised on tales of mass layoffs […]
If you haven’t read the Concord Monitor’s latest installment on efforts to carve a Northern Pass route through the North Country, you need to. Last year, Northern Pass scrapped its original proposed route after North Country residents mounted serious resistance. And although the project hasn’t announced a new route, reporter Annmarie Timmins has been patiently […]
Spring weather is now starting to roll in, but just last week winter had its last hurrah. And when those big snow storms wallop the mountains, ski areas see dollar signs. A pair of Dartmouth economists are researching the tendency of ski areas to exaggerate snowfall reports, especially on weekends, in hopes of luring more skiers […]
We hear about the “New Hampshire Advantage” all the time. Our low personal taxes and great quality of life make headlines every time a company contemplates relocating to the Granite State. But what happens after a company has been here for a while? Are company leaders still happy with their choice? For leadership at Rochester, […]
After months of speculation surrounding a large-scale consolidation study, the US Postal Service announced today it will accept the bulk of its recommendations. The result: Up to 35,000 jobs lost if USPS goes through with downsizing. The study considered the possibility of consolidating 264 of the Postal Service’s 461 processing centers. Today, Emily Stephenson at […]
First of all, if you haven’t read Lila Shapiro’s article for the Huffington Post about the “skills mismatch” (we’ve been calling it the “skills gap”) in manufacturing, you need to. Seriously. It’s well worth the read. If you’d like the condensed version, however, we’re happy to provide highlights. For the past couple of weeks, we’ve […]
As the national economy continues to trudge toward recovery, the Obama Administration has been pushing advanced manufacturing as a key driver for jobs growth. So over the past couple of weeks, we’ve been looking at various aspects of manufacturing in New Hampshire. While the sector historically struggled in the transition from mill work to high-tech […]
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