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This page is no longer being updated. For ongoing coverage of this topic, go to New Hampshire Public Radio.
Thursday, the New Hampshire Senate unanimously approved a bill that increases the state’s research and development tax credit funding from $1 million to $2 million beginning this year. Last year, 111 qualifying businesses shared that $1 million – so that the 58 businesses who qualified for the maximum credit of $50,000 received $12,065 each. Who […]
It’s that time of year when taxes begin to be on peoples’ minds. But the IRS is worried not enough people know about the Earned Income Tax Credit – which is the federal government’s biggest anti-poverty program. So – they’ve pronounced today Earned Income Tax Credit Awareness Day. Last year, more than 77,000 needy Granite […]
The city of Franklin will hire a lobbyist this legislative session to follow the Northern Pass project. The town stands to gain about $4.2 million dollars annually in property taxes, if the Northern Pass project goes through. The taxes would be paid by PSNH on a converter station, which will be built in Franklin. Elizabeth […]
About 120,000 Granite Staters — almost 10 percent of the state’s population — are members of an LLC, or Limited Liability Corporation. But too many LLCs fail because of internal disputes, says John Cunningham, a Concord lawyer and expert on LLCs.  On January 1, a revised LLC act that was signed by Governor Lynch in […]
Recently, a handful of towns, including Milford, split $3.1 million in community development block grants to help create more affordable housing. According to statewide estimates, only one-in-six two bedroom apartments is affordable to a median income renter. But the Granite State has something of a homegrown advantage in tackling this problem.
There are a slew of possible bills coming down the pipes this session having to do with nanobreweries: a brewing category created by lawmakers in 2011. With a $240 nanobrewery license, an enthusiastic homebrewer can to start a small-scale commercial brewery. StateImpact New Hampshire will be keeping tabs on developments in the nanobrewing community throughout […]
The Business And Industry Association has released its list of public policy priorities for the 2013-2014 legislative session. Expansion of the state’s research and development tax credit is at the top of that list, says spokesperson Adrienne Rupp, who adds “it’s very beneficial particularly to the manufacturing sector.” The BIA continues its tradition of opposing […]
From 11:15 to noon today, three leaders of innovation and business in New Hampshire will be discussing employee and business recruitment in the state. Â We’ll be liveblogging the event, as part of our ongoing coverage of New Hampshire’s simultaneously shrinking workforce and growing tech sector. The speakers are: Patrick Clark of Burstpoint Networks, a Massachusetts […]
The State Employees Association has filed two unfair labor practices charges against the Liquor Commission. The first one charges that the commission has begun denying part-time employees the increased pay that they had been receiving for work on Sundays and Holidays — something the SEA alleges is a breach of union contract. The second of […]
The New York Times has published results from a 10 month investigation into the $80.4 billion that local and state governments spend on corporate subsidies. While many states spend many hundreds of dollars per capita on tax subsidies, free property, and other kickbacks, New Hampshire spends only $30 per capita, or a total of $39 […]
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