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This page is no longer being updated. For ongoing coverage of this topic, go to New Hampshire Public Radio.
Thursday, the New Hampshire Senate unanimously approved a bill that increases the state’s research and development tax credit funding from $1 million to $2 million beginning this year. Last year, 111 qualifying businesses shared that $1 million – so that the 58 businesses who qualified for the maximum credit of $50,000 received $12,065 each. Who […]
Business leaders gathered at the Grappone Center in Concord Friday to meet with Republican Senator Kelly Ayotte, who says many came to her with their concerns about the federal fiscal policy. “Most of all I think they want they want some certainty about the tax and regulatory climate,” Ayotte says. Earlier in the day, Ayotte […]
It’s that time of year when taxes begin to be on peoples’ minds. But the IRS is worried not enough people know about the Earned Income Tax Credit – which is the federal government’s biggest anti-poverty program. So – they’ve pronounced today Earned Income Tax Credit Awareness Day. Last year, more than 77,000 needy Granite […]
A recent report from the Center for Public Policy Studies was uncharacteristically ominous, warning that the state is entering an “uncertain time,” and that the New Hampshire advantage “is withering away, and may erode further in years to come.” Dennis Delay, the report’s author, is referring to the state’s slow economic recovery compared to its […]
Four dollars. That is what employees at Dyn have to pay for a breakfast burrito made with bacon smoked in North Country, peppers grown in Chester, and a host of other local ingredients. That is, if they mosey across the street from their offices to the Dyn Cafe – an at-cost farm-to-table operation that Dyn […]
The Affordable Care Act will make it easier for eligible patients to sign up for Medicaid, which will swell the ranks of Medicaid recipients whether or not states opt to expand eligibility to more individuals, according to a new report from the Kaiser Family Foundation. This will increase Medicaid costs even for states that do […]
At the beginning of November, the University of New Hampshire School of Law officially designated its library as the “New Hampshire Patent and Trademark Resource Center.” The hope is for the center to “promote a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship,” says David Kappos, Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property, and Director of the United […]
This piece was reported by contributor Brian Wallstin New research by the University of New Hampshire’s Carsey Institute sheds light on why millions of Americans might view the economic recovery as more illusion than reality. In the aftermath of the 2007-2009 recession, the number of part-time workers in search of full-time jobs — a category […]
Note: This story was reported by contributor Brian Wallstin Few trends are as worrisome to economists than the growing disparity between the rich and everyone else. The incomes of the wealthiest Americans have been rising dramatically since the 1970s, while wage gains among the poor and middle-class have stagnated. Before the recession, however, low- and […]
Although New Hampshire won’t be hit as hard as other states, the fiscal cliff could shrink state revenue – according to a new report from the Pew Center on the States. Because federal and state finances are closely tied, the study finds, federal tax increases and spending cuts will have consequences for all state budgets.
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