Best Of StateImpact: Why The Certificate Of Need Debate For Hospitals Matters To The Economy

Weixiang Ng / Flickr
Jobs, competition, and NH's economy all play a big part in the Certificate of Need debate
During session, the legislature handles umpteen bills. The ones that grab our attention often focus on hot-button issues, like abortion, guns, and Right To Work. It can be tough to keep up with the ins and outs of more complex public policy bills. One of the ongoing issues we’ve been following is the legislature’s reexamining of the Certificate of Need process for hospitals. Yeah, it doesn’t sound too riveting on the surface. But right now, this is how the state decides if hospitals and specialty clinics (like Cancer Treatment Centers of America) can build here–and potentially bring new jobs with them.
So if you’d like to catch up on the debate, here’s the story so far:
- Does New Hampshire Need Specialty Cancer Centers?
- For Profit Cancer Center Comes To NH to Make Its Case to Lawmakers
- Why The Certificate Of Need Issue Is Bigger Than The Cancer Treatment Centers Of America Debate
- House Committee Gives All-Clear For Cancer Treatment Centers Of America And Other Specialty Clinics
- Why The House Voted To Dismantle The Certificate Of Need Board