“Brain Waste” In New Hampshire

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Nationwide many educated immigrants are unemployed or underemployed, and New Hampshire's numbers are especially bad.
As part of New Hampshire’s Immigration Story, we’ve been looking at the economic impact of immigrants on the Granite State’s economy. The latest census data show that New Hampshire’s educated immigrants might be exceptionally underutilized.
“A recent study by the American Enterprise Institute found that for every 100 educated immigrants working in Science, Technology, Engineering or Math, 86 additional jobs are generated.
The latest Census data indicate that New Hampshire might be missing out on some of those jobs. In New Hampshire there are 42 percent more educated foreigners than nationally. Immigrants in New Hampshire have even higher rates of education than native-born residents, and the local unemployment for this population sits at around 8 percent, compared to 5.5 percent nation-wide.”
Source: NHPR