We’re Liveblogging “Next-Generation Matters: A Forum On The Future!”

Thomas Hawk / Flickr
We're liveblogging a presentation of global, national, and New Hampshire economic trends...and how they could affect the legislative session
At StateImpact, it’s that time of year when various analysts assess economic trends that took root over the past year, what the economic landscape will look like in the future, and how those changes could affect the big budget decisions the legislature will be making in the coming session.
That’s the idea behind the event put on by the Concord Coalition, UNH School of Law, and Business and Industry Association titled “Next-Generation Matters: A Forum on the Future.” The event kicks off at noon with a keynote presentation by Mark Zandi, the Chief Economist at Moody’s Analytics. That will likely be a more nationally- and globally-based discussion. He’ll be followed by Concord Coalition Executive Director Bob Bixby. A media release for the event says Bixby “will examine the political challenges of passing fiscal reform legislation in the current environment.”
Given the budget battles last congressional and legislative sessions, this discussion promises to be pretty interesting.
We’ll be launching our event early, at 11:45. Liveblogging starts in earnest at noon, and the event’s set to wrap-up at 1:15. So if you’ve got a lunch hour yen for reading about how Granite State economic trends could shape the next legislative session, be sure to check back in with StateImpact!