This Week’s Essential StateImpact

Clare & Dave / Flickr
Which bite-sized morsels of economic coverage made for the best brain food? More links after the jump
Every week, we like to offer you a roundup of StateImpact’s most popular posts. This is the stuff we think our readers are most likely talking about. So in the interest of keeping you in the loop, we are proud to present This Week’s Essential StateImpact. Just click on the story title to read anything you might have missed.
- Losing The Lotto: Comparing NH’s Lotto Prizes To Massachusetts: We’ve been dropping-in a post here and there in our Losing The Lotto series over the past couple of months. This week, the posts picked up some serious steam. And it looks like you appreciated it.
- Part 1: Which NH Counties Won New Residents–And Lost Old Ones: Besides our Lotto series, our county-by-county looks at the changing migration patterns into and out of the Granite State captured your clicks. This piece pulls apart the pattern in the North Country, White Mountains, Lakes Region, and part of Dartmouth-Sunapee.
- Part 2: Which NH Counties Won New Residents–And Lost Old Ones: The second part of our demographic series takes a closer look at the rest of Dartmouth-Sunapee and the Monadnock Region. And keep checking back, because next week, we’ll start examining the movements in New Hampshire’s high-density areas: the Merrimack Valley and the Seacoast.
- How A European Recession Could Hurt Key Export States–Including NH: The team of data reporters at Stateline put together a cool, color-coded map explaining the percentage of each state’s GDP that’s tied to the European export market. That’s a good starting point for understanding how a potential European recession could hit states. StateImpact read the Wells Fargo Securities study the map was based on, and provide you with some key takeaways from this complex economic issue.
- Losing The Lotto: How Much Would Having Keno Help NH’s Revenues?: Keno is part of a much larger discussion in the Granite State about expanded gambling. So we did a by-the-numbers approach…complete with nifty graph. We show the raw dollars difference between New Hampshire’s and Massachusetts’ lottery revenues, game by game. And you can see how much lottery funding in the Bay State comes from Keno. Based on state Lottery Director Charlie McIntyre’s estimates, we also offer a ballpark figure on (potentially) how much money New Hampshire residents are spending on Keno south of the border.