
Putting Education Reform To The Test

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Why President Obama’s Call For Less Testing Might Not Change Much

Recently, President Barack Obama admitted he’d made a mistake when it comes to public schools. Like most people with big news to share – he posted it on Facebook. “I also hear from parents who, rightly, worry about too much testing,” Obama said in a video posted to the White House’s Facebook page. For more […]

Miami-Dade Gets Good Marks On “Nation’s Report Card”

Miami-Dade students improved their scores on two of four national reading and math exams, even as scores dropped nationally. The results are from the National Assessment of Educational Progress, or NAEP — also known as the “nation’s report card.” The test is given every two years in math and reading to 4th and 8th grade […]

FDLE Closes Hacking Investigation, But Provides Few Answers

The Florida Department of Law Enforcement has closed its six-month-old investigation into a cyber attack during Florida Standards Assessments testing this spring. The agency isn’t saying who tried to shut down testing by overloading servers, or why. But law enforcement officials said no personal student data was accessed during the attack. FDLE said they found […]

Florida Standards Assessments Passes Review, FLDOE Says

A review of Florida’s new statewide test has found the exam is valid and the results can be used to judge teacher and school performance, the Florida Department of Education announced. But the review also found that after problems with computerized testing, “scores for some students will be suspect.” The reviewers recommend that state test […]

A Q & A With Federal Education Secretary Arne Duncan

U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan was in South Florida Thursday to attend the national Urban League conference in Fort Lauderdale. He chatted with StateImpact Florida about school discipline, testing requirements and how Congress is rewriting the federal No Child Left Behind education law. Q: We are currently in the midst of a national conversation about […]

Why Some State Test Results Are Less Honest Than Others

Some states are telling students and parents they are better at reading, writing, math and other subjects than they really are, according to a new website from the Foundation for Excellence in Education. The website, WhyProficiencyMatters.com, tracks the percentage of students scoring at grade level on state tests — “proficient” in education jargon. The site […]

Florida’s New School Standards Both “Successful” And A “Disaster”

John O’Connor / StateImpact Florida Frances S. Tucker Elementary School fifth grade teacher Yaliesperanza Salazar. Math lessons are carefully designed to match Florida’s new Common Core-based standards. Florida just completed the first year of one of the biggest experiments in U.S. education. For the first time this year, every grade in every public school used […]

How Jeb Bush’s Education Record Will Change The 2016 Republican Primary

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush is expected to become a Republican presidential candidate Monday. Education has been a signature issue for Bush. He helped start Florida’s first charter school. He says schools and teachers should be judged on student performance. He pushed for vouchers for private schools. And he spent most of his time since […]

Are High School Exit Exams An Unnecessary Barrier To Graduation?

The US high school graduation rate is at an all-time high. But why? NPR Ed partnered with 14 member stations around the country to bring you the stories behind that number. Check out the rest of the stories here in our slideshow. And find out what’s happening in your state. Eight times Brandon Lewis has taken Florida’s Algebra […]

Superintendents Say Fewer Florida Students Will Repeat Third Grade Next Year

The superintendents of Florida two largest school district say it is less likely they’ll make students repeat third grade next year because of low state reading test scores. State law requires that students earning the lowest score on the reading exam have to repeat third grade unless they are granted an exemption. About 16,000 students […]

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