
Putting Education Reform To The Test

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Homework For Voters: The StateImpact Florida Election Guides

Florida has had long lines so far during early voting, likely due in part to the long list of constitutional amendments on the ballot. Don’t head to the polls tomorrow unprepared. We’ve got a handy StateImpact Florida guide which explains what effect the proposed constitutional amendments will have on education. You can also check out […]

Five Questions For A Florida Teacher Who Supports Mitt Romney

We’ve heard a lot from educators who support Democratic President Barack Obama for reelection. The National Education Association has endorsed Obama. But there are plenty of teachers who support his Republican challenger, Gov. Mitt Romney. According to EdVotes.org, about 40 percent of Florida Education Association (FEA) members and at least 25 percent of NEA members […]

Five Questions For The National Education Association VP

The first presidential debate of 2012 will be held tomorrow night between President Barack Obama and Gov. Mitt Romney. The National Education Association will be watching. NEA Vice President Lily Eskelsen says the differences between the two candidates “are night and day.” The NEA has already endorsed Obama, and Eskelsen was appointed by Obama to […]

Presidential Candidates Talk Schools At NBC News’ Education Nation

President Barack Obama and Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney both appeared at NBC News’ Education Nation event in New York City today. Here’s video of the two interviews. Obama sat down with Savannah Guthrie in a pre-recorded interview while Romney was interviewed by Brian Williams and took audience questions. Visit NBCNews.com for breaking news, world […]

What Mitt Romney Said About Education On The Campaign Trail In Florida

Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney was in Sarasota Thursday, laying out his ideas for improving the economy. Romney’s five-point plan included an education plank. Romney praised former Gov. Jeb Bush and borrowed a key idea. He also pledged to allow federal dollars to follow the student, which would let parents to better choose the best […]

From the RNC: Jeb Bush Compares School Choice to Shopping for Milk

Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush was all about education during his Thursday night speech at the Republican National Convention in Tampa. He kicked off the speech by asking President Obama to stop “blaming your predecessor” for today’s problems. “Now that I’ve gotten that off my chest, let’s talk a little bit about our kids and […]

What Paul Ryan’s Budget Would Mean For College Aid And Schools

Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney has chosen U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin as his running mate. And with Ryan will come plenty of debate about his federal budget proposal. So it’s worth revisiting a piece we wrote in April, looking at how Democrats were working to politicize cuts to federal college aid included […]

Feedback Loop: Talking About Jeb Bush and Mitt Romney

This week we told you about former Gov. Jeb Bush’s national education role, and how many of the policies he’s taking to other states got their start in Florida thanks to a well-maintained political network. We also told you that Bush’s ideas are seeing some resistance from Floridians. Readers took to the debate. Standardized tests […]

Romney Education Plan Could Eliminate School District Lines

Mitt Romney’s education plan would effectively erase school district boundaries — allowing city students to enroll in the surburban schools they’ve eyed enviously, James E. Ryan writes in the New York Times. Mr. Romney’s proposal, if put in place, could change that. Most directly, and perhaps most dramatically, Mr. Romney’s proposal would force — yes, […]

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