
Putting Education Reform To The Test

Teachers Praise Gov. Scott in New Online Ad

The Republican Party of Florida is out with a new web ad featuring teachers praising Gov. Rick Scott.

The teachers aren’t identified, but appear to have been recorded at the recent teacher summit Scott hosted in Tallahassee. Most of the teachers thank Scott for investing in education, particularly his push for across-the-board raises.

“I think Gov. Scott is a visionary. He’s a brilliant businessman,” one teacher says in the video. “What he’s done for the business world in Florida, I think he can incorporate that in education.”

Another says she feels teachers have the governor’s ear.

“We know that he listens to us,” she says.

Education has been a key issue for Scott as he focuses on his reelection efforts next year.

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Classroom Contemplations: The Teaching That Evaluations Ignore

Jeremy Glazer says teacher evaluations miss some of the most important work he does.

sean dreilinger / Flickr

Jeremy Glazer says teacher evaluations miss some of the most important work he does.

Editor’s note: Names of teachers and students have been changed.

One of the things I want to do through this series is to expand the discussion of a teacher’s value. We cannot let the worth of teachers be defined narrowly by the test scores of their students.  We need to consider all of the different ways teachers have positive impacts on the lives of their students before we choose the criteria with which we judge who is doing a good job as a teacher and who is not.

One of the best ways to do this is to hear from teachers themselves.

I hope to put these stories in context. I will tell you about teachers I’ve spoken to, and I will share with you their stories. I want to show the breadth of ways teachers affect their students.

I walked into a teacher’s classroom near the end of the year and saw him explaining bank fees and ATM charges to a senior who was about to graduate.

This teacher didn’t have any seniors in his classes. I knew it wasn’t a current student, but rather a past student who saw the teacher as someone he trusted. The interaction I was watching was definitely adding value to the student’s life in a way that has little to do with school curriculum, and definitely isn’t counted in FCAT scores or school grades.

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Bennett Will Suggest Grading System Changes This Week

Miami-Dade Superintendent Alberto Carvalho led the charge for grading system changes Monday.


Miami-Dade Superintendent Alberto Carvalho led the charge for grading system changes Monday.

Florida Education Commissioner Tony Bennett said he will recommend changes to the state’s A through F school grading system by the end of the week.

Bennett met with school superintendents and researchers Monday to gather concerns and suggestions about the school grading system.

Superintendents said they were concerned state requirements had changed too quickly the past two years for students test scores to keep pace.

Miami-Dade superintendent Alberto Carvalho pointed to Florida Comprehensive Writing Test results as an example. Miami-Dade students scores rose this year, he said, but schools will get less credit according to the school grading formula. That’s because the state raised the target score from a 3 to a 3.5.

That’s difficult to explain to parents and students, Carvalho said.

Carvalho wants no school to drop by more than a letter grade this year — something the State Board of Education approved last year after test scores dropped.

“At stake here is the credibility of the accountability system — we have a chance to fix it,” he said. “Number one: Put in place and continue the one letter grade drop provision.”

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Superintendent Nikolai Vitti On His First Year in Jacksonville, Race, And The Challenges To Florida Schools

Nikolai Vitti knows how dissimilar Florida’s school districts can be — but as the new Superintendent of Duval County Public Schools, he also recognizes common challenges.

Nikolai Vitti has been superintendent of Duval County Public Schools since November 2012.

Sammy Mack / StateImpact Florida

Nikolai Vitti has been superintendent of Duval County Public Schools since November 2012.

Vitti arrived in North Florida last November, leaving behind a job as chief academic officer for Miami-Dade County Public Schools.

On the surface, Miami-Dade and Duval represent two very different kinds of Florida school districts. There are nearly 350,000 public school students in Miami-Dade—close to two thirds of them are Hispanic, nearly a quarter are black. The Duval school system has about 125,000 students, 44% of whom are black and 39% of whom are white.

Vitti sat down with StateImpact Florida to talk about the transition from South Florida to North Florida—and what he learned during his first school year on the job.

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Union Worried Testing Could Cause Public To Turn On Common Standards

Thousands of NEA delegates are meeting in Atlanta, led by national union president Dennis Van Roekel.

NEA Public Relations/flickr

Thousands of NEA delegates are meeting in Atlanta, led by national union president Dennis Van Roekel.

About 10,000 educators from around the country are in Atlanta this week for the National Education Association’s annual meeting.

The group will debate issues from school safety to immigration reform as the NEA develops its legislative priorities for the coming year.

Florida Education Association President Andy Ford says Common Core State Standards and assessments will be heavily discussed.

“They’re great standards. They’re higher level standards. They’re common sense,” Ford said. “They allow teachers and students to dive deep into the subject matter as opposed to covering a variety of issues very, very thinly.”

But he’d like more time for students and teachers to make the transition.

“Teachers are going to have to have time to retool absolutely everything they’ve been doing because these standards are so much better,” Ford said, “but they’re higher level and they require different ways of teaching.”

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Common Core Opponents Expecting Protesters From Across The State

P.G. Schafer, a Tea Party member, holds a sign to protest Common Core across the street from Marion Technical Institute where school administrators were meeting on Southeast Fort King Street in Ocala, Fla. on Wednesday, April 3, 2013.

Bruce Ackerman / Ocala Star-Banner/Landov

P.G. Schafer, a Tea Party member, holds a sign to protest Common Core across the street from Marion Technical Institute where school administrators were meeting on Southeast Fort King Street in Ocala, Fla. on Wednesday, April 3, 2013.

A group organizing a protest Saturday at an Orlando conference for new common education standards is expecting caravans of protesters from around the state and country will join them.

Florida Parents Against Common Core expects groups from Southwest Florida, Port St. Lucie, West Palm, Georgia, Tennessee and Virginia will join them at 11:30 Saturday morning near the JW Marriott hotel.

Laura Zorc, an organizer with the group, says the goal is to convince the legislature to approve a bill which would delay Common Core implementation so it can be studied. Zorc also wants a study to determine whether the standards violate the state constitution or U.S. Constitution.

The hotel is hosting a national two-day training session on the Common Core State Standards.

Florida is one of 45 states which have adopted the English, literacy and math standards. They are scheduled to be fully implemented in Florida schools in the fall of 2014.

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Classroom Contemplations: Testing Reinforces Bad Behavior

Sanders-Clyde Elementary School in Charleston, S.C.

hdes.copeland / Flickr

Sanders-Clyde Elementary School in Charleston, S.C.

Editor’s note: Names of teachers and students have been changed.

There are some real perils to systems which try to reduce teacher performance to a single number, such as many of our new “value-added” formulas.

The first is that whatever you decide to measure — and, implicitly or explicitly reward — is what you are going to get.

Take a look back a few years at our mortgage crisis. One of the precipitating structural problems was that the system evolved so that there was an incentive to write more mortgages. No longer were people rewarded for responsible lending. They were rewarded for the amount of loans they produced. We all know what happened. More mortgages!

It didn’t matter that many properties and property owners were bad risks. The measurement drove the production. So you have to be very careful in deciding what to measure.

When we narrowly define increased test scores as the “value” teachers add to students, then that is what schools will work towards.

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Groups Dismiss Report Critical Of ALEC’s Influence Over Education Policy

Progress Florida says ALEC has too much influence inside state houses.

Boston Public Library / Flickr

Progress Florida says ALEC has too much influence inside state houses. ALEC defended its work.

Two groups named  yesterday in a report which criticizes ALEC – the American Legislative Exchange Council – for its “damaging influence” on public education policy have responded.

Progress Florida and eight other left-leaning organizations from around the country issued the report, ALEC v. Kids: ALEC’s Assault On Public Education.

ALEC crafts model legislation mostly promoting right-leaning policies — or free-market and limited government in ALEC’s words — for use by state lawmakers.

The organization has a series of task forces comprised of legislators that “develop model policies to use across the country.” Subjects range from Civil Justice to Communications and Technology.

The report claims ALEC’s task forces are under the influence of corporate interests.

“The policies of ALEC’s Education Task Force prioritize profit over results, secrecy over accountability, and cuts over kids,” the report states.

Lindsay Russell, director of ALEC’s Task Force on Education, sent StateImpact Florida this statement:   Continue Reading

National Study Says Florida District School Students Learn More In Reading Than Charter School Students

A new study finds Florida district school students learn more in reading than charter school students.

Ken Wilcox / flickr

A new study finds Florida district school students learn more in reading than charter school students.

Seven days learning.

That’s how much more Florida’s traditional public school students learned in reading compared to students in charter schools, according to a new national study of charter school performance.

In math, Florida charter school students were even with their traditional public school peers.

The Center for Research on Educational Outcomes at Stanford University compared the performance of charter and district school students in 25 states, Washington, D.C. and New York City, comprising about 95 percent of students attending charter schools. In Florida, the report compared students in third through tenth grades.

The study updates a landmark 2009 review of charter school performance which concluded district schools outperformed charter schools.

This time, the average charter school students gained eight additional days of reading reading than district school students while math gains were even.

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Progressive Groups Target ALEC For “Damaging Influence” On Education

Left-leaning groups blame ALEC for bad education policy around the country.


Left-leaning groups blame ALEC for bad education policy around the country.

An organization which crafts model legislation for states is catching blame for education policies it has supported around the country.

The American Legislative Exchange Council – better known as ALEC – describes itself as a non-profit, non-partisan organization that focuses on policy relating to “free markets, limited government and constitutional division of powers between the federal and state governments.”

Former Gov. Jeb Bush describes ALEC as “a group of reform-minded center-right legislators that convene. They have a policy focus.”

ALEC is in the cross hairs of nine left-of-center groups that put together a report detailing its “damaging influence” on public education policy.

Their feelings are clear in the report’s title – ALEC v. Kids: ALEC’s Assault On Public Education.

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