
Putting Education Reform To The Test

Does Florida Have Room For Another Higher Education Task Force?


Board of Governors meets with university presidents.

It’s true. Florida is getting another education task force, or in this case, a commission.

The Commission on Florida Higher Education Access and Degree Attainment is born. It’s a product of the university system’s Board of Governors (BOG) and not to be confused with other current or soon to be created task forces. In all fairness, this commission has been in the works for a long time.

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Early Release Days On The Chopping Block In Manatee County

The Mel Man/flickr

Early release days may be coming to an end in Manatee County schools. The school board discussed the idea during a workshop Tuesday but made no decision

For the last five years, the school district has ended the day almost two hours early on what has become known as “Wacky Wednesdays.” The move was designed to give teachers more time to plan coursework and take advantage of training opportunities. The results have been mixed.

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Board Of Education Takes Emergency Action On Low FCAT Writing Scores


Preliminary writing scores on the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT) have plunged, and state education leaders are taking emergency action. Standards were raised a year ago, making the test more rigorous. The passing grade is 4. The highest possible score is 6.

So how bad are the results? 81 percent of 4th graders scored at least a 4 last year. On the latest test, just 27 percent scored that high. Only 33 percent of 8th graders passed, down from 82 percent. 10th graders passing the writing test dropped from 75 to 38 percent.

The numbers were so shocking that the Florida Board of Education held an emergency meeting Tuesday. Continue Reading

Explaining How the FCAT Writing Test Changed In 2012


Florida's board of education is meeting today to debate changing scoring requirements on the state writing test.

The Florida Board of Education is holding an emergency meeting this morning to debate whether to lower the passing score on the writing portion of the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test.

(Watch here, starting at 10:30)

Results show the state passing rate plunged this year, following changes to FCAT writing last year.

So what changed?

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Why It’s Harder for College Students to Get Financial Aid This Summer

Sarah Gonzalez / StateImpact Florida

Florida International University senior Courtney Johnson works 20 hours a week as a secretary on campus. This summer she's taken out $2,700 in loans to pay for summer tuition. She only took out $600 in loans for the full 2011-2012 fall and spring semesters.

College students  who need to go to summer school have few choices for grants and scholarships.

And their options just shrank.

The federal government is no longer giving out a need-based Pell Grant to help students pay for summer tuition.

And the replacement is more loans.

Senior Courtney Johnson has taken summer courses at Florida International University for the past two years.

She received the federal summer Pell Grant each time.

It’s covered most of her summer tuition.

But this summer she’s taking out $2,700 in student loans. That just happens to be about the amount of a full summer Pell Grant.

“And then I still have to buy my own textbooks and I still had to pay $350 out of my own pocket because they didn’t offer enough loans,” she said.

A lot of students max out their student loan options during the fall and spring semesters. Continue Reading

Columnist: Gov. Scott’s Panel Will Sell Out Higher Education

Joe Raedle / Getty News Images

Gov. Rick Scott has appointed a "blue ribbon" panel to suggest changes to the state higher education system..

Stephen Goldstein, writing in the South Florida Sun-Sentinel, opens up both barrels on Gov. Rick Scott’s plan to overhaul the state’s higher education system.

Scott has appointed a panel, but Goldstein says the recommendations are already written: Sell out state universities and turn them into glorified vocational institutions.

The real solutions are simple, he writes:

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FAMU’s Marching 100 Will Stay Sidelined


Florida A&M University’s Marching 100 band will stay sidelined indefinitely.  FAMU President Dr. James Ammons told the FAMU Board of Trustees this morning that the band’s suspension will continue through the 2012-2013 school year.

The trustees met via teleconference. Their focus was last November’s hazing death of drum major Robert Champion and whether the suspension of band activities should be lifted.

Ammons said he was heavily influenced by the need to be respectful of Robert Champion’s family and other victims.

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FCAT Writing Scores Plunge, State Department Wants To Lower Passing Score

Holtsman / Flickr

The Florida Department of Education is recommending lowering the passing score on the FCAT writing test to 3.5 from 4.

Florida’s Board of Education has called an emergency meeting tomorrow to talk about state writing test standards.

According to materials the board has posted online, the state Department of Education is recommending lowering the required score needed to pass the test to 3.5 from 4 (out of six).

That might be because the percentage of students passing the test has nose-dived this year after the state board increased grading standards this year.

The change would dramatically increase the percentage of students who would earn a passing grade score this year, according to the report.

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Feedback Loop: Writing About Reading Requirements

Ken Wilcox / flickr

Florida students will have to take an extra hour of reading classes next year if they do not score high enough on state tests.

Students will find out in June if they’ll be required to take an extra hour of reading instruction next school year because of low Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test.

But we didn’t have to wait long to get your reaction to the new law.

Jose likes the idea, citing the benefits of additional class time in Hong Kong and elsewhere:

This is a good policy and we ought to stand behind it. We spend more on education than virtually any country in the world and our results are dismal. We have to buffer the adverse effects of variable household environments by extending the school day and perhaps shortening summer breaks for students that are falling behind.

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Hispanic Students Boost Florida Scores In 8th Grade Science Assessment

LWA/Dan Tardiff/Punchstock

Florida’s Hispanic students played an integral part in boosting 8th grade test scores in a national science assessment. Gains made by Hispanic students on the Nation’s Report Card (NAEP) bolstered Florida’s overall scores.

Florida 8th graders showed significant improvement in science – an increase of 5 percent from 2009. That means 62 percent of students performed at or above the Basic level of understanding.

The three achievement levels – Basic, Proficient, Advanced – are based on performance standards that indicate what students should know and be able to do.

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