Feedback Loop: Writing About Reading Requirements

Ken Wilcox / flickr
Florida students will have to take an extra hour of reading classes next year if they do not score high enough on state tests.
Students will find out in June if they’ll be required to take an extra hour of reading instruction next school year because of low Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test.
But we didn’t have to wait long to get your reaction to the new law.
Jose likes the idea, citing the benefits of additional class time in Hong Kong and elsewhere:
This is a good policy and we ought to stand behind it. We spend more on education than virtually any country in the world and our results are dismal. We have to buffer the adverse effects of variable household environments by extending the school day and perhaps shortening summer breaks for students that are falling behind.
Connect the dots argues more class time won’t make up for inadequate instruction:
If you use the same failing teaching methods the extra time
will not positively impact student reading
A new law reducing state retirement contributions stirred up the ongoing legal fight over how much teachers and state workers must contribute to their retirement.
Jen is upset the state will be putting less into her retirement:
This is absolutely a disgrace,and what’s worse is now, effective July 1, the State is CUTTING THEIR contribution by 3%….isn’t it coincidental that here we (teachers) may be getting out 3% back that they have been taking from us? So in essence, they are “robbing Peter to pay Paul” by reducing what they already contribute to our checks just so they can pay us back what was ours TO BEGIN WITH!!!! Thieves!
Thanks for reading. Keep weighing in on StateImpact Florida’s coverage.
Reader reaction is an important part of building StateImpact Florida’s education coverage. Feedback Loop will be a regular feature highlighting your questions, criticisms and comments.