Drilling company names fracking sites after superheros | StateImpact Pennsylvania Skip Navigation

Drilling company names fracking sites after superheros

  • Marie Cusick

Rice Energy's well names include: Batman, Robin, Hulk, X-man, Zorro and Captain Planet.

SlideshowBruce via flickr

Rice Energy's gas well names include: Batman, Robin, Hulk, X-man, Zorro and Captain Planet.

Western Pennsylvania-based Rice Energy has been truly unconventional when it comes to naming its natural gas wells.
The company has appropriated monikers of superheros, including Batman and Robin, the Hulk, X-man, Zorro– even Captain Planet, an early 90’s cartoon promoting environmentalism.
Gas wells are typically named after the landowners who lease their property to drillers. After a recent StateImpact Pennsylvania story on some of the odd addresses the state has given to gas drilling sites, we heard about Rice’s superheros.
The Canonsburg-based company has recently been in the news for other reasons. Last week, RiceĀ went public on the New York Stock Exchange, and itsĀ new board chairman isĀ former Heinz Endowments president, Robert Vagt.
The company declined to comment for this story.
See all the names below:
[spreadsheet key=”0AuY1xHD_PDzBdEFKWF9NNmhYNGY0M19WTjFsM2N4RHc&usp;output” source=DEP” sheet=0 filter=0 paginate=1 sortable=1]
Ā Source: Pennsylvania Dept. of Environmental Protection

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